Let go (Elizabeth's Death)

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TW: Self-harm, Suicidal thoughts, Death, and Panic attack?

There will be a TD; LR at the end if you want to skip this chapter.

Michael POV

The flames crackle and sputter as the flames eat up the plastic. Soon enough, I can smell it too, the smell of burning plastic tickling my nose hairs. I stare at the flames a bit longer, spacing out.

I should probably clean this up.

I go to the kitchen and fill and bucket full of water. When I get outside, I slowly pour the water onto the fire, the flames making even more noise now that they are being put out.

I then head to the shed for the shovel, so I can cover the remaining ashes with dirt.

I almost laugh. This could be a funeral. I don't though, realizing a moment later that it is.

I can't be Terrence. Not anymore.

So, the name will die and burn along with the stupid mask. The mask that started all of this. I wonder if I didn't get the mask, I would have become the monster...

No. I probably still would have chosen the wrong path.

We are always taught growing up to have our own opinions and to stand up and fight if something was wrong.

But when I stood up and fought, it didn't bring peace or a better world. There was no happy ending for the good guys.

I became the bad guy.

While I can't tell who the true good guy was, I know it wasn't me, and that will stick with me for the rest of my life. It is clear:

I cannot be good.

Nor can I be the good guy.

I have hardly come out of my room recently. It's too much for me. Everywhere I look I'm reminded of C.C. and how much I hurt him. I don't bother finding out how the rest of my family is feeling but I know it can't be good. Plus why would they want to see me? His death was my fault after and seeing me will just bring them more pain.

As I walk into my bedroom I see C.C's Fredbear plush.  Someone must have pushed it there to annoy me.

It's too late now.

Soon enough I am reaching for the lighter in my pocket with only one thing in mind:

I should have been the one who died.

Elizabeth POV

Circus Baby.

She's so perfect.

She is everything I aspire to be.

Her smile. Her hair. And most of all her personality.

Daddy says that the Funtimes are the first animatronics he's made that actually were designed to have personalities.

Especially Circus Baby. He made her all for me.

This is why I can't understand why he won't let me see her. If she is made for me, why can't I see her in action?

I especially want to see her ice cream dispenser. This is the first time that Daddy has done such a thing.

The stupid doll that Daddy gave me shows what Circus Baby looks like, but it doesn't show all of her cool features. It would be cool just to see her once!

I squeal just thinking about it.

But I can't help but feel like I have done something wrong. Why else wouldn't Daddy let me see her.

I wonder if it has to do something with C.C.

C.C. didn't deserve to die.

But that doesn't change the fact that everything changed, just because he died.

And I don't know if I should blame Terrence or C.C.

Never mind, that doesn't really matter. What does matter is Circus Baby and my plan to see her. I have been planning this out for a few weeks now.

Daddy told me that while he does his work there Terrence is going to watch me. That will be my chance to see her. Terrence never gets much sleep, and whenever we have to go with Daddy to work, he falls asleep. This will be my chance. There is enough time for me to go to Circus Baby and come back with plenty of time to spare.


What is that smell?

At first, I think it is the smell of Terrence's burnt mask, maybe he brought it back in? I saw him burning it in the backyard earlier.

The more I smell it though, the more I can tell that it is not the smell of burnt plastic, but rather something else...

I recognize the scent, but I can't quite put my finger on it...

As I walk closer to Terrence's room, I can smell it more, and I can tell what I am smelling...

The distinct smell of burning skin.


The car ride is silent, as usual. If one were to say something, it would be cut off or discarded, so no one bothers speaking anyway.

As soon as we get there, Dad just leaves me and Terrence in one of the random hallways of the place. Luckily enough, it isn't too far from Circus Baby's stage.

I wait and soon enough Terrence falls asleep, his lack of it on his face. I slowly tiptoe around him, but once I am far enough away, I walk faster causing my shores to make clacking sounds on the concrete floor.

When I get there I look around to make sure that Daddy isn't here, or anyone else that would tell on me. Seeing no one, I spurt out:

"Daddy isn't here"

I walk up to Circus Baby trying not to make too much noise. There might be a party going on somewhere. I don't want to interrupt it.

"Daddy never lets me see you," I pause then continue "But I think you're wonderful!" Circus Baby watches me but doesn't reply. Aren't they programmed to reply? Ah, man.

"Hello?" I say as I reach for the ice cream that Circus Baby suddenly has. How did she get the ice cream? Oh well. It looks delicious. I reach for it and my thoughts are interrupted by a screech...

Michael POV

Elizabeth just walked away. I act like I don't hear her. Dad always says no when she asks to go see one of the animatronics. I don't understand why. It's just a stupid animatronic like they all are...

A few hours later

William shakes me awake. As I start to open my eyes he asks me frantically where Elizabeth is. Elizabeth? Shouldn't she have been back by now? Shit.

I get up to start looking for her, but I can already tell that it's too late. She's not here.

What did I just do?

I shouldn't have let her go.

Edited: 11/21/21

Hopefully, by deleting William's POV from this chapter, there will be fewer inconsistencies with his personality.


Michael burns his mask and gets upset over C.C. Elizabeth obsesses over Circus Baby. She makes a plan to see her. She thinks she is being sneaky when she goes to see C.B. but Michael lets her go thinking it will be fine. This leads to her death.

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