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Contains mention of death, murder.

Michael POV

I slam my fist against the desk, loudly. Why is it that whenever I have a good idea or a lead, it never works? Can't I just have some good luck in my life?

'I don't get it. I know you have a certain hesitancy to see them, your old 'friends. But why would that stop you from finding your brother? If I had lost my brother, even annoying as he is, I would have looked all over the world for him. Of course, in reality, if my brother went missing, he would leave me a simple note with a dumb reason as to why he left. I doubt anyone would have the guts to kidnap him. He's too annoying.'

"Really? All you do is Jibber Jabber, and the information you give to me is much of a path I want to avoid. You are such great help."

'Oh be quiet, you don't want me to take back the Illusion disk, do you?"

I grumble, laying my forehead on the disk. Back when I finally got the Illusion Disk to work on Ennard, I thought I had figured it out. Turns out though, that we don't have the new enough technology to build one that even works, what I mean, is that the Illusion disk is a design for the future. Technology hasn't advanced that far!

The owner(I guess), of this paper, granted me the technology, and they continue to help me. So I'm on thin ice with the owner(?) of the paper, and there is a chance that they will take back all of the help they have given me. What a nuisance.

I guess I should get going, and get this over with. I guess there was no other way from the beginning huh?

I get up slowly, my chair pushing back behind me. Next to the door, Is my rack, where I find my white mask and my keys. I secure the white mask onto my face, holding my keys tightly in my hand. Shutting the door to my office, I then lock it closed. Papa comes out from his office next door, having heard the click.

"You're leaving?" He asks "Where are you going?"

"Have a lead on C.C. I should be back by the end of the day." I toss my keys to him. "Watch everyone for me, will you? I don't know what trouble they might get into." I start walking down the hall, but then I pause, realizing something. "They might come to you for help... if anything gets out of hand you may have to step in... I know you don't want to see William, but you might have to. It was bound to happen sooner or later."

"Oh, Ok. I think I will be alright." He replies. I start walking again. "Hey!" I pause. "Be careful. I know that we are both doing something today that we have narrowly avoided. If you need any help just call me."


I walk through the shared stage and out the front doors to my car.

I should have...

I should have brought my phone.

I should have told him that I didn't have my phone on me, but the thought is lost as I open my car door and start thinking about what's to come.

*A while later...

When I close the door of my car, the sound reverberating, I notice a few drops of water falling to the ground. I guess I should have worn my coat.

Standing on the sidewalk, I consider not going in, but quickly I wane the thought away, knowing that there is no other way to do this. Seeing it for the first time in forever, it looks the same, but after inspecting the old place for a while, I can see the cracks and fosters in the walls. The sign is barely hanging, and there is graffiti all over the building, many probably angry about what happened here. The front door is boarded off, but I know another way in.

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