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So.. hello. IDK want to say. Note: remember Ennard doesn't have his human memories. Somehow due to his death, he only has his animatronics memories(In this AU). ;)

Contains: Ennchael

Mike POV

It's been 30 years since my death. I have gotten used to Ennard except for the fact he always finds new ways to make me blush. Papa was shocked at first but we got used to it. Even though I now have co-ownership of the pizzeria I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing. Most of the pizzerias have been low maintenance for a while now since I've worked on them.

I sigh and get up to look around the house for the millionth time today to see if I can find something to do. I hear Ennard scampering above me in the vents. He likes watching me... And getting in me before I leave the house. I guess he's just... Protective? I walk by my workroom and I realize I left the light on from the last time I was in there.

I walk in and notice something on the table. It's the blueprint, for the illusion disk. Henry originally came up with the idea but he never got to test it. I tried it on the Toys and the Originals but I was eventually fired for 'Tampering with Animatronics' and 'Smell problems'. I did tamper with the animatronics but I have no idea what 'smell problems' means.

I stare at the Illusion disk a little longer and my thoughts start to wander back to my family. The guilt I feel is immeasurable... But I can't do anything about it. The more I stare at it the more an Idea comes to me. What if I were to perfect the illusion disk and reunite my family. Not only that but I could fix the mistakes of the past. This is perfect!

*Later that day

I wait by the door eagerly for Papa like a dog waiting for its human. While I wait I start packing and thinking of my idea. Perfecting it. Papa walks in on me muttering to myself.

"Mike?" He calls curiously "What are you doing?"

I jump at his voice "Oh- papa! I had this idea! We still have to perfect it. I mean there's the thing about the animatronics starting a fight..." I start muttering again not even able to understand my own words. I quickly snap out of it when I look at Papa again. "Ok- yes, right" I stand awkwardly and then I start moving again "How about I  just show you?"

We walk to my workroom in silence. When we get there I start talking again. This time more confidence. "So I had this idea, I was looking at the illusion disk blueprint trying to figure out how could fix it - when I realized how I could use it to my advantage." I walk over to the table and I point to another blueprint. Except for this one I just drew, and it's much bigger. "What if we were to create a new pizzeria - but this time we wouldn't make any new animatronics. Instead, we would take the Toys, the Funtimes, the Originals, and we would make a giant pizzeria world. And then we could use that as a rude to reunite my family. Perhaps then, maybe just then, I wouldn't feel as much guilt for their deaths."

Papa stares at me surprised as I breathe heavily due to how much I talked. It takes a minute for Papa to get of his shock when he does he replies, interested, "That would work. Yes, I think we should do this." He pauses
"There are just a few things I would like to ask"

"Um yes, alright what are you wondering?" I ask curiously.

"Well, first of all, are you sure that you want your family here? What if they don't forgive you. I mean I think they would but there's a possibility..." He stops talking suddenly and he scratches his head "Well all that matters is if you want them near you. Do you?" Dammit. I was trying to ignore this question but I should have known he would ask. I try to reply but nothing comes out of my mouth. He then continues.

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