The Pizzeria Plex!

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Thanks for all the reads and comments. They make my day.

Elizabeth POV

I power to Ft. Foxy's jumpscare and a clatter, presumably Ft. Freddy throwing Bon Bon again. This is the 5th time this week that I've had to deal with those three. Well, I suppose I don't have to deal with BonBon because all he does is be his normal, nice self while Freddy throws him across the room. And still, he can help Freddy with his anger problems.

I sigh and look around. That's odd. Instead of waking up on my stage like I'm used to I wake up on the main stage. What's odd too is that the individual stages are all in the same room. Odd. It looks like the Pizzeria has been mashed into one room. I also noticed that Ballora is the only one powered off next to me as usual. Ballora likes to spend more time turned off than on because her coding makes it so when she's on she has to dance. Nothing else nothing less.

I jump a bit when I hear ft. Freddy's scream. Yes, he has anger problems but he's usually better at keeping quiet in the morning. Then I remember. Black suffocating smoke. The stench of something burning. Standing there excepting my fate as the fire consumes me. Was it a dream? I look down at my clothes and my metal body. Nothing is burnt. Then it must have been a dream, right? I remember flashes of my father, or at least I thought was my father. It must have been a dream. It doesn't make sense that a decaying bunny is my father. Or was it an animatronic?

I realize that I need to stop standing around and go see what has got those idiots so noisy this morning. They almost woke up Ballora and that would not be a good thing. While I am the leader of the Funtimes, Ballora is the mom. And while moms are caring and all, moms can get angry, which is worse when your 'mom' is a six-foot animatronic that jumpscares you when you interrupting her dancing.

I walk over to the right where the noise is coming from. There used to be a wall here, instead, there is an open doorway leading to what looks like another stage. I walk into the mysterious room and I notice Ft. Freddy and Foxy in protective stances. Bon Bon is across the room laying next that the original Freddy? What is it doing here? Oops. I guess I should say him. He might have a soul right?

In front of the Freddy is what I assume is the rest of the originals. The Foxy and Chica are also in a protective stance like my crew. The only difference is that Bonnie has moved back to the Freddy, most likely to check if he still functions. This is a mess. Guess I should do something about this.

"What is going on?!" I state using my leader voice "You almost woke up Ballora, and I don't feel like getting my head bashed in for something you imbeciles did!" Everyone turns toward me. They all drop their stances except the Foxy. I sigh.

"Sorry boss. We saw this Animatronics nearing our Pizzeria and thought you would like us to get rid of the problem before you woke up." Ft. Freddy states trying to get on my side so I don't bash his head in. I sigh again.

"Well, clearly you should have looked around." I spin around "This is not our Pizzeria. So you don't need to defend it from anything." I stomp over to them angrily and before Ft. Freddy can get a word in I turn to the other Animatronics and hold out a hand.

"Sorry about them. They're not very smart." The Foxy reaches out and shakes my hand suspiciously. "I'm Circus Baby, Leader of the Funtimes from Circus Baby's Pizzeria, you can call me C.B or Baby. Either one is fine." Is smile nicely at them, to gain their trust, at least that's something the spaghetti was useful for.

"So... Who's your leader? It would be easier to find out what's going on if I could talk to them." I say when I notice they aren't going to say anything. I look towards the Chica but she just fakers at me. The Foxy hesitantly answers.

"It's him" he nodded back towards the damaged Freddy "He's knocked out cold right now though." He shrugs as to say he doesn't want to talk to me.

"Well, I suppose we should find someone to fix him. Shouldn't we?" I turn towards Ft. Freddy and Ft. Foxy. "You two. Go search for someone to fix him and Bon Bon. Don't come back until you find someone." I glare at them. They scamper out. It's very unlikely that they'll find someone but I needed to get them out of here. They were making the tension worse.

"That was Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy. The animatronic thrown at your leader is Bon Bon. I'll introduce the rest of my crew later. What are your names?" They look back to their leader then back to me finally one of them speaks.

"I'm Bonnie," The giant purple Bon Bon says "This is Foxy," he points to the red fox and then the chicken "and Chica." He points back to their broken leader "This is our leader Freddy." He smiles trying to get rid of the tension.

"Alright, nice to meet you all. Do you perhaps know where we are?" I say. They look at each other.

"What do you mean?" The Foxy asks.

"Well, this is not my pizzeria, nor yours. Does this look like a spot at your Pizzeria?" They look around noticing how different it looks. "So our two priorities are to find someone to fix Your leader and Bon Bon and to find out where we are. Unless there is another problem." I say looking at the Chica. She huffs and turns around, stomping back towards the room behind her presumably their 'Pizzeria'.

"I suppose your right" Bonnie says "Do you have any idea how we got here?"

"No." I think for a moment. "Oh yeah!" I remember the fire, "The only thing I remember from before we got here was a fire. The whole Pizzeria was burning down and I was in pieces. That's why it took so long for me to get here. I was confused why I wasn't burnt and torn apart." Bonnie looks supposed at that.

"That's all we remember too. How could it be that a fire would go off at both Pizzerias at the same time?" Bonnie asks incredulously.

"Because," a dark figure moves towards us from a room behind the stage. Where did that come from? "I did." the figure steps out. He has brown hair and he's wearing a nightguard uniform. Except for the uniform is instead a greyish blue and not purple. There is a white mask over his face, and it makes it hard to see any facial features. Why do I recognize his mask? "And besides, I think we can all agree that I would have a certain amount of struggle getting you out of your Pizzerias." no disagrees with him.

"Right. I guess I should introduce myself."

"I'm Mike Emily, the new owner of Freddy Fazbear's Entertainment." He pauses for a moment.

"Welcome to The Pizzeria Plex!"

Note: The scrap fires did happen. Michael just changed their memories for the reunion to not be a mess.

Edited: 4/6/21

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