Not So Much Of A Secret

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Hey, I hope this longer chapter makes up for my lack of updates. This chapter is organized differently than most, but I hope you enjoy it. It was by far one of my favorite chapters to write, so I hope that it makes you as happy as it makes me!

I wrote this chapter in under 3 hours in one day and I am so proud of myself for it.

*To be realistic, there is probably nothing that I need to put a trigger warning for, but if you find that there is, tell me. This chapter is purely fluff and jokes :).

Virgil POV

Day 2 of Virgil’s stay
(The 2 chapters before this were Day 1)

I sit at the kitchen table trying to listen in to what C.C. and Elizabeth are whispering about. They are over by the fridge whispering and looking over to me occasionally. They seem worried. Oh well, if they are not going to tell me, I am not going to bother.

It has been a day since I showed up at the household and things have been going well. I texted the sides telling them that I am going to be away for the week, and while they questioned where I, the most introverted part of Thomas would have somewhere else to stay, they didn’t push too hard and eventually just wished me a good week, saying that they will miss me.

As for staying here, it hasn’t been so bad. Michael is a good brother as always and Elizabeth and C.C, along with Michael’s help have been getting to know me. Jasmine is just super sweet and always checks up on me, even when the others seem to believe that I am fine.
As for William and I, we continue to ignore each other, only talking to each other when needed, such as a simple hello, or ‘Would you pass the salt.’ He seems to be getting better at being a father, but I don’t trust him, especially since Michael and William have made their little agreement. I just don’t know why Michaell would trust William enough to allow him free rein, the rest of the family not having such a clue that William was truly the one who ____ the kids, and it wasn’t just the creepy-bunny man.

I haven’t said a word to either of them, as to they would be confused on how I know. In reality, I regretfully made a deal with the stupid bunny, and so long before I come here, I already knew of all the family happenings. At first, it was just to gauge if I should come here, but the information has turned out more useful than that, as of now I don’t have to be left out of things.

Of course, they still prefer to leave me out, as I suppose they probably think that I know nothing of their ____’s. A good example of this is what C.C. and Elizabeth are doing right now. They haven’t hanged out with the other souls since I have been here, and they are probably wondering how they can get that past me. They must be making up some elaborate lie about why there is a bunch of kids living in a building next door that is seemingly connected to this house.

I smile at the thought as the two siblings in the corner continue to whisper. I take a sip of water from the cup in front of me and then get up from the chair. I suppose that I should leave these two to their shenanigans. I have been sitting around for too long anyway.

As I leave the room, their eyes follow me out, and their chatter begins again as soon as I am away.


Day 3

Crash! The whole house shakes as something falls through the vents. It looks like a tangle of wires, but I can’t see much as Michael is standing in front of it. I suppose it’s….uh… what’s his name again?..... Oh yeah, Ennard!

“What was that?” I question him, knowing that If I don’t, he will question me.

“Uh… faulty cabling, uh, yeah, the realtor mentioned it to me when I bought this house, and I meant to fix it, but I guess it got so bad that it just, um, fell out of the ceiling?” Michael says the last part questioningly.

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