The Afton Family

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I know a lot of you are excited to see the rest of the sides so…. here they are? Not a very long interaction, but as I mentioned in the chapter before, I have plans….

Sadly there is no parker this chapter, but I will work on adding him next chapter.

3rd POV

Patton hums softly as the bacon sizzles in the pan in front of him. He slowly sways back and forth to the song stuck in his head. As he does so, the pan moves a little with him, not that he notices. The sound of steps behind him stops his swaying and singing. He doesn’t even have to turn around to know who it is.

“Hey, have you seen Virgil?” Roman asks worriedly. He hasn’t been seeing his boyfriend as much, as he always seems to disappear in the middle of the night, sometimes only coming back in the middle of the day. He misses his midnight cuddles when Virgil comes into his room, clearly shaken up by something, but neither says anything. Instead, they both cuddle up on Roman’s large red and white bed, falling asleep in seconds.

Even when the anxious boy is here, he often seems to be thinking about something else, stuck in his mind. The only time he ever seems to even talk to the rest of the sides is when Thomas needs help, and even then, his advice seems not to like him.

Roman has barely talked to his boyfriend much in the past few weeks and he can’t help but feel like something is wrong, but he can’t help if the boy is never truly there.

“No. He’s always late to breakfast anyway, perhaps he needs to sleep in.” Patton responds kindly. He then turns his attention back to the bacon and begins to flip it.

“But he’s not there,” Roman replies anxiously. “He’s not in his room. I already checked.”

Patton pauses again, this time in surprise. Where did he go? Has he been leaving in the nights this whole time? Patton’s whole body stiffens in realization. He never was just sleeping in or keeping to himself. He’s gone.


*Somewhere not so far away…..

Oliver stares at the email, surprised at how fast and how calm the person responding seems to be. From what he had heard about the company, they weren’t as professional, merely just mechanics who only knew the way of machines and not of humans and social interaction. But whoever had responded to his very angry email was not so. He kindly and properly explained that he was the new owner of the franchise, and had no idea that there had been some sort of copying in its making. He nicely stated that he would send some of the profit to him, and they could become business partners, as a certain percent of the company went to Oliver.

But Oliver disagreed with the notion. He wanted the company all to himself. He had seen home much was made with his failed designs, and how much they thrived once they fixed to not look as frightening. He wanted that for himself. All of it. He was the one who originally designed those d-------- animatronics anyway.

But how would he get the company? The owner had been firm in his reply. Oliver had already tried to buy the company straight from the owner as well, and for a large sum of money to boot, but the owner had replied saying no, claiming that the business had been in his family for a long time, and he would like to keep it that way.

This over-the-screen talking wasn’t working for Oliver. He needed to go talk to this man in person. But what excuse could he come up with that would make his wife let him leave? His thoughts are interrupted when his wife enters the room.

“Still have an enormous amount of work to do?”

“Yes, as always, dear,” Oliver says, barely taking his eyes off of the computer screen in front of him.

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