His Love

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^ The picture up above scares me and makes me question the sanity of Wattpad users. This person's whole account is in Spanish, so I can't really tell if they actually ship siblings or if it's just a joke. If someone could understand Spanish maybe they could explain it to me?

Either way, I want to thank you for the support.

Because this is a special chapter, it will sort of be interactive.

And now, I want to give you guys the chapter you have been waiting for.

Warning: Extreme Fluff.

TW: Mention of bullying and death

3rd Person POV
I am finding that I like to write more in the third person than anything else. Does anyone have an opinion on what I write in?

Silence. Tranquillité. Silenzio. Silencio.

These words all describe the emptiness of sound. When no one makes a peak. When you can barely hear the sound of your own breathing over the silence.

But none of these words can truly describe the silence of silence.

Silence fills the world of emptiness when someone says it, signaling not silence, but the sound of them saying silence

So an author writing silence does not give the reader a good enough Idea of the emptiness at the moment. It only fills the silence with thought.

So, to fully feel the silence at the moment, the author asks the reader to take a moment of silence.

If you can't silence the outside noises, then silence the inside.






And now we can dive into the world where silence is all that can be heard.

Wkh sdlq L ihho fdqqrw eh frpsduhg wr dqrwkhu'v, qr pdwwhu krz edg lw zdv. Exw pb sdlq pxvw qrw eh hasorlwhg zlwk ghylrxv pdwwhuv ru ljqruhg iru ehlqj ohvv. Li dqbwklqj L vkrxog eh sudlvhg iru vxuylylqj wkh sdlq. Wkdw pdb eh zkb L nhsw lw d vhfuhw, exw L gr qrw nqrz, wkhq krz frxog brx?

^ Try to decipher it I dare you.

Oml what am I doing with this chapter?!?

"You- What?!"

The now emptiness is full, with a very, very, angry dead kid.

"So you decide to tell me now, that I have been sitting next to my own brother this whole time?!?!" C.C. exclaims, "I was looking for you, not that I gave you any certain clues to that but why would you have me suffer like this? Why would you have the whole family suffer like this?" He stares at Michael in exasperation. Michael looks aways ashamed.

He knows what he did was wrong, but he couldn't help but feel mad himself at the younger, he hadn't planned to reveal himself, and yet C.C.'s pestering was enough for him to explode. Besides, he had suffered his whole life, and he calls not knowing that his brother was next to him was suffering? He had suffered to distance himself from the boy just for his family, he thought that they would hate him for what he did, and not that he was hiding if they ever found out, he thought that they would be thankful.

It was maddening that the younger had thought such a thing, but he was also confused. Why didn't C.C. hate him? He seemed to be mad at him for keeping his identity a secret, but nothing else... Shouldn't he hate him for what he had done? Michael struggled to understand the feeling that C.C. was emitting. C.C. seeing Michael's confusion calmed down to look at his older brother.

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