New Upload Schedule

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Hi! I hope you have all been having a marvelous summer! The love that has been given to this book has given me the energy to fix this book up a bit, and also give you all a new outline for this book. I plan to update this page frequently, so newcomers can keep up with it. Here we go!

*This section shows the pats I have planned out to make. Feel free to ask questions!


Explaining My AU

Completion: Finished, for now, may update later

Chapters: 1

Where it falls in the book: Chapter 1

Last edited: 5/5/21


Prologue/Backstories/Afton Family Deaths

Completion: Finished, but desperately needs to be edited

Number of Chapters: 7

Where it falls in the book: Chapter 2-8

Last edited: 5/5/21


Afton Family Reunion (-Virgil)

Completion: Finished

Number of Chapters: 20

Where it falls in the book: Chapter 9-29

Last Edited: 11/15/21


Virgil's Reunion with the Afton's ( + Some special guests)

Completion: not started

Estimated number of Chapters: 10-20


Sanders Sides meet the Afton's ( + 1 special guest)

Completion: not started

Estimated number of Chapters: 8-15

*These next two parts are maybes. If you want to see them, tell me.


End of book/closing???

Completion: might not even do this -_-

Estimated number of Chapters: 1-2


Afton Family meets alive AU???

Completion: again, may not do this

Estimated number of Chapters: 5-7

Alright, now here's my plan for uploading.

Nothing has changed about the fact that I don't have much time to write any more that being said, I have changed and few things since my last AN

1. I am going to finish the Afton Family Reunion

2. I will then move on to editing the Afton Family Backstories. That way, if my AU changes again while writing, I can write it all in at once

2. Next will be Virgil's Reunion with his family.

3. Then, again I will go back to the early chapters to edit and keep them up to base.

4. Sanders sides meet the Afton's

5. Edit earlier chapters.


Welp, I suppose I should go start working on the next chapter! See you all soon!

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