The Bestest of friends

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Contains: Wilry(or Helliam? I can't decide.)

Ok, this chapter is going to be what happened while Mike was gone looking for Chris, just to squeeze a little bit of shipping in.

Henry POV

I sigh as Mike walks away, importance in his step. I clutch the keys he gave me not only a moment ago, trying to decide if I really should go see William, or if I should just stay back, letting fate decide. I sigh again and run my fingers through my hair. I should have expected it. I have to meet with William soon anyway since he will be one of my business partners. But when imagining seeing him again, I would always imagine Mike right by my side, ready to be there if things go wrong. William has always had a strong temper...

Oh well. I suppose I should move on to watching them. Who knows what the animatronics will get up to.

I walk into Mike's office, to make sure everything is put away, as to not frustrate him later. Everything looks neatly put away except for the desk. On top of it are piles of paper, the one on top a small yellowed square. I ignore it and let my eyes wander, which they land on Mike's phone. Perfectly perched on his desk.

I pick it up, examining it to make sure that it is Mike's, and one glance at the purple phone case clues me in. Why would he leave it here? He said he had grabbed it? I keep worrying about it, as any dad would until I realize that I should just let it be. I should just trust Mike. What could go wrong on his little adventure? It's only C.C. after all.

I put it right back down on his desk where it was, and back out of his office, locking the door. I will talk to him about his phone later, I have other things to worry about now. Once mike's office is locked and secured, I turn towards the stairs. When I am done walking up to them, I open the door right at the entrance using the keys that Mike gave me. Inside, there are screens, brightly shining on my face a blue hue, which causes me to close my eyes for a moment.

When I open them, the screens seem dimmer, and the light is on, automatically. I walk over to the screens, and sit in the overused chair, as I usually do. I come in here quite often, as I don't want to exactly speak to them, but I can't help but want to see them, at the very least.

William. My best friend since high school. Even if I can never forgive him for what he did, I can't help but have some feelings for him.

The missing kids. Regulars at the restaurant. I knew their parents and they knew me so I can't help but feel a little protective of the kids, even though I have long failed them.

Elizabeth. Jasmine. My and William's families had spent so much time together, that I had felt that we were one family. Elizabeth and C.C. had even grown to call me Uncle, as on instinct.

Cassidy. As my daughter's best friend, she was around my house a lot. I always thought that she should have deserved more love from her family

Charlie. My daughter. Even though I miss her, I still have been avoiding her. Why? I don't know. I could just have her come to me, to not even bother risking a meeting with William. And yet, I feel nervous about seeing her, as nervous I am about seeing William. I can't help but feel that it has to do something with how much I have failed her.

If I was paying more attention, perhaps William wouldn't have even had a chance of killing her. And the fire. I set the fire thinking it would set her soul free, along with the others, but it only made things worse, and I find myself here feeling useless regarding anything about my daughter.

I set the fire out of spite of William, not thinking about what would happen, but at least Mike was thinking. He went into the fire and collected all of them, all of the animatronics that I left it there to burn. He hurt himself in the process, but not long after, he came up with this plan. This wonderful plan to reunite them, together, happily.

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