Michael's Death

538 16 4


Contains Ennard x Michael
Mentions of  Death.

Warning, as of now, this chapter has not been updated to fit my current AU. I will eventually. The only context you need is that Henry did die in the fires, but they are later In the timeline, right before the pizzeria plex opened. If you have any questions ask!

Michael POV

*Taking place right after Jasmine chapter


'I walk out of the house my one bag on my shoulder. I have nowhere to go. My mom is dead and William, well no one knows where he is and it's not like I would want to live with him anyway. I walk until I can see no more finding an alleyway to lie in.'

End of recap.

I wake up to a bright light shining on my face. I open my eyes more realizing that I'm in a house. Where am I? Dammit. I should have just fell asleep in the first alleyway I found. Shit. Shit. Shit. But when I sit up I see a face that I haven't seen in a while.


"Oh your awake, I was wondering when you were going to wake up," he says with a kind smile.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" I say while the blanket that was in me slides off.

"You in my house of course. Did you not recognize it?" He says, one of his eyebrows shooting up. Why didn't I notice before? I have been here plenty of times since he and William have been friends since middle school. I look around noticing the absence of Charlotte.

"Where's Charlie?" I ask knowing that she has to be around here somewhere.

He gives me a sad look before replying "William- your father he- he killed her. She was one of the missing kids." he pauses before continuing "The only thing odd about it is that she... She went missing a while after the other kids. I... I should have watched her more." he looks like he about to break into tears.

I go to comfort him but before I can he says " I miss her. I miss Sammy. I miss both of them." He starts sobbing through his words "I should have known William wouldn't have stopped at Sammy. No, he had to take her too" I hug him and he starts to slowly calm down.

When he is all calmed down I back away and he continues speaking "And the worst part is that Kelly warned me. She told me that William is the one that took my little boy. But I didn't listen and I ended up losing Charlie too. I'm such a bad father."

Okay okay, let me explain. Kelly is Henry's ex-wife and Sammy and Charlie's mother. They divorced after Sammy was killed. All the evidence was pointed towards William and Kelly thought for sure that he did it but he was never arrested and Henry didn't believe it was William who did it so they divorced. Okay back to the story.

I cut him off then "No, no you're not. I know what bad parenting looks like. It's William's fault. He doesn't know when to quit. I would much rather have you as a father than him." I say with as much as a smile that I can manage.

He looks up finally has stopped crying with a look of hope in his eyes.

*One month later

As I throw a dirty shirt into my laundry basket I hear my door creak open. I have been staying with Henry since that day a month ago. We haven't talked about it much but I saw the adoption papers. I keep telling myself not to get my hopes up but there's no way that they're about anyone else.

"Michael?" Henry says causing me to look up.


"I want to talk to you about a couple of things," he says with softness in his voice.

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