24. End of the Year

Comenzar desde el principio

"Hey, where are the twins?"

Lee smiled.

"They wanted to get in one last prak before break. Should be here any minute."

Right on cue, the twins ran up to you, devious grins on their face.

"What did you do this time?"

You asked and laughed. Fred launched into an animated story about the prank they pulled on Filch. You watched him, mesmerized. He had a big smile on his face and his chest was rising and falling from running. You knew this wasn't a silly little crush that would go away. You pushed the thought to the back of your head, and you focused on laughing with your friends. You would barely be able to see them over the summer. You boarded the train, knowing things were about to change. Voldemort was back and times were about to get tough. You smiled as you watched Lee, George, and Fred race on to the train. You took a deep breath in, remembering all the wonderful memories this year gave you. You boarded the train.

"What took you so long?"

Fred whined.

"Yeah, it's your turn to buy us something from the trolley."

George said, smiling innocently.

"It is not!"

"Is too!"

Fred shouted. You argued until the trolley came by, where you gave in and bought snacks for everyone. You laughed and joked with your friends until arriving at Platform 9 3/4. You walked off the train and greeted your family. It felt like ages since you had seen them last. Your parents gave you a big warm hug, asking you about your year. The Weasley's were standing near you, so you decided to finally introduce your family to your chosen family. 

"Mom, dad, this is Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley. These are their children."

You named all the children, finishing with the Weasley twins.

"Ah, are these the ones you're always droning on about?"

Your mom asked with a wink. Your face turned beet red and the twins laughed.

"I'm sorry, what did you say your name was again?"

Mrs. Weasley asked politely. Your mom smiled widely and replied.

"I'm Lorelei y/l/n."

Mrs. Weasley's mouth fell open.

"No! Lorelei?"

Realization dawned on your mother's face.

"Molly! Oh my, it's been ages, I hardly recognized you!"

The two mothers talked for a long while.

"Did you know they knew each other?"


You shook your head and Fred chuckled. 

"I do remember seeing pictures of a young redhead. She was beautiful."

"Where else do you think we got it from?"

George asked with a wink. The parents talked until the platform started to empty out.

"We better get going y/n."

Your dad said. You gave each of the Weasley's a hug, including Hermione and Harry. They were both spending the summer at the Burrow. You gave Hermione a big hug.

"You better make a move on Ron, you two will be trapped in a house together for the summer."

Hermione's face reddened and you laughed. You moved on to Ginny.

"Keep that lot in check, will you?"

Ginny nodded and hugged you back.

"Calm down Gin, it's not like you'll never see her again."

George commented.Finally, it was the twins. You said goodbye to George first, telling him to prank Percy for you. Last but not least, Fred. You looked up at him and he smiled. He bent down and wrapped his hands around your waist, and you placed your arms around his neck.

"Good bye y/n/n."

He whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You let go from Fred and joined your family. You waved goodbye and left the station.

Until next year

I'm so sorry for the slow updates! I have finals coming up and grades are due. Virtual school is quite demanding. I'm hoping to have another chapter up tomorrow. Sorry this one was so short. I've got lots of spice and drama ahead. Thank you lovelies!


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