Chapter 15

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I continue laying in Terrell's lap until I feel energized enough to move again. I slowly make my way off of Terrell and stand up. I put my hands on my hips as I let out a huge huff. I look down at Terrell who is still sitting on the floor. He looks up at me and then gets up as well. He stands in front of me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "So what do you want to do?" he asks. I wiggle away from his touch and walk towards the door. I open it confidently, looking back at Terrell. "We have to tell my father. For all we know, this could be set up by Wyatt, and I am not about to let him win in anyway." I stomp my foot, angry at Wyatt and this whole situation that I am in. Terrell gives a chuckle. "You know your pretty hot when your angry." He swiftly walks out the door and down the stairs. "There's more where that came from," I whisper to myself. I follow Terrell down the steps and to my father.

When we get down there, everything seems quite, eerie almost.  The lights are off and no one is on duty. Something is definitely going on here. I walk around the storage area trying to find somebody who is working, but found no one. I walk into my dads office to find papers scattered all over the floor. I look around the room for any evidence of what might have happened here, but found nothing. I keep looking around the room until I hear a faint "Addy" and a loud bang coming right after it. It came from somewhere inside the warehouse. I run out of the office hoping something hasn't happened to Terrell.  "Terrell? Terrell was that you? Are you okay?" I walk around to try and find the source of the noise. I didn't hear Terrell answer, so I call out again. "Terrell where are you?" I run around the warehouse trying to find him. I reach the back end of the building where there are low hanging beams and scattered poles everywhere. I zigzag my way around until I see a figure laying on the floor.

I get closer to the person who is laying on the floor, not quite being able to see from the darkness back here. From the silhouette, I can tell that it is Terrell. I gasp and hurriedly run by his side. I lean down and I can see that he is passed out with a huge gash on his forehead. Someone must have hit him. I suddenly hear a noise behind me. I turn around quickly, trying to find who or what had made that noise. My eyes are searching everywhere but I can't find the source. I give up and look back at Terrell. "Don't worry T, I'll try and get some help." I lightly remove his hair from his eyes before standing up. I make my way back towards the front of the building, finally freeing myself from that abyss. Once I see the open door in front of me, I break out in a run. I don't get very far when I am suddenly tripped. I face plant on the floor, already feeling ooze coming from my head. I touch my head, letting out a groan. I slowly get up from the floor, feeling dizzy. I steady myself, hoping I don't fall back down again. I turn around cautiously to see what tripped me. When I do turn around, I see a figure standing there with a mask covering their face. That is the last thing I see before I am knocked unconscious.

*Terrell's Pov*

I suddenly jerk awake, wincing as I do from the nasty gash on my head. I reach up and try to inspect it. I barely even touch the wound before wincing. I cant tell how bad it is. Does it need stitches? I quickly shake away the bad thoughts that start to form in my head, only focused on how to get out of here. The last thing I remember was coming down the stairs. I didn't see anyone, and it was really dark. I thought that was pretty weird, so I went to go check and see if anyone was working in the back. I didn't see anyone except this one strange person. It was too hard to see in the dark, but they looked pretty tall and bulky. I started walking closer until I could see the person's face. No one would believe me if I told them who it was. The person was getting closer to me so I went to run away. I called out Addy's name before I got knocked out.  Addy! Where is she? I need to try and find her. I make my way out of the dark and I can see the warehouse doors wide open. 

I try running running out, but I felt too dizzy. I fall to the ground unable to make it any further. I suddenly feel a pair of hands grab me, lifting me up. "It's okay son, I got you." I recognized the voice. It was Addy's father's voice. He carries me over to his office and gently lays me down on the chair. He walks over to the light switch and turns it on. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I kept repeating. "I lost her. I was supposed to watch over her and I failed." I bury my head in my hands, trying not to cry, thus making myself look like a wimp in front of Addy's father. I feel a hand slap down on my back. "This isn't your fault alright. None of it. We should have known something like this was gonna happen." I look up from my hands and give him a questioning look. "What did happen to you guys? Addy and I didn't see anyone when we came down. It was completely empty." Mr. Michael's walks over to his desk and sits down. He clasps his hands and sets them on the table. 

"It was Wyatt. He set us up. The reason why nobody was down there was because there was an explosion at our other warehouse. We had top of the line weapons there and we couldn't afford to lose them. While we were over there distracted by the fire, I guess Wyatt must have come in and shut everything down, making it seem like nobody was there. I never would have left if I knew the two of you were going to be in danger, and I am sorry for that." I look down at the ground collecting my thoughts. I then look back up at Mr. Michael's. "Don't worry Mr. Michael's, I will get Addy back. Whatever it takes." "I know you will." He gives me a reassuring smile before getting up from his chair. He walks over to me and grabs my arm. "Now lets get you cleaned up." I give him a small smile before following him. 

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