Chapter 7

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I wake up the next morning laying on Terrell's chest. My head rises and falls on his chest along with his steady breathing. I can hear his heart beat beating rhythmically. I can feel his bare skin against my bare skin. I look up at the ceiling and think back to last night.

Terrell picks me up by the waist and hoists me onto the bed. He gets on top of me and starts to kiss my neck, making his way all the way down to my v-line. He then starts to unbutton my pants. As he is doing that, I start to take off my shirt and bra, as well as Terrell's shirt. Once all of our clothes are off, Terrell starts off by fingering me. I let out a moan. He keeps going until I am all wet. Finally, he slides in. He thrust's slowly, giving me tingles from head to toe. He starts kissing my neck, giving me extra pleasure. I tell him to go faster and he does. I let out a huge moan, knowing I am about to bust. Finally, my body tenses up after the release. Terrell pulls out and falls over to the side of the bed. 

We are both out of breath from that intense ride. We end up spooning the rest of the night until falling asleep. 

I get up from the bed to pull the blinds back. I can hear a groan from Terrell. I look over at him before jumping on top of him.

"Wake up sleepy head, it's another beautiful day!" I shake him and bounce on him until he decides to open his eyes. He rubs his eyes cutely before looking up at me with tired eyes. He is the most beautiful man that I have ever seen.

"Can't I have five more minutes please?"

"Nope, you got to get up!" I then stand up and start jumping on the bed. Terrell bobbles all over the place, with a look of confusion. He isn't fully awake yet to know what's happening. I then stop jumping and go into the bathroom. I lay my clothes that I took from my drawer onto the counter. I stride over to the showerhead, turn it on and get under it. I rub my hands all over my body, further reminding me of Terrell's hands. I turn the water off and get out. I hurriedly dry off before putting clothes on. I decide to wear a pink flowy dress that stops right above the knees. It has sunflowers on it, making it the perfect design for going to the park today.

I exit out of the bathroom to see Terrell already dressed. He is wearing a Nirvana shirt with black and white capris. I see him bending over to grab something from across the room. I then get a sneaky idea in my head. I stroll over to Terrell, stop right behind him and squeeze one of his cheeks. He lets out a little yelp, holding his butt. He turns around to look at me.

"What was that for?" he says still holding his butt in his hands. I cover my mouth with my hand trying my best to stop myself from laughing.

"I'm sorry, it was right there." I say while still laughing. Terrell stands up, putting his mask back on. 'There goes his charm of a smile,' I think to myself. I let out a small sigh and turn around, making my way towards the kitchen. I stop in front of the fridge and open it. I look around for anything good to eat. I see nothing that peaks my eating pleasure and I close the fridge. Terrell is standing right behind the fridge door when I close it. I jump in surprise, not knowing he was gonna be there.

"How do you keep doing that?"

"Well like you said before. I'm a ninja." He raises his eyebrows in exaggeration. I just shrug my shoulders at the loss of words I have. 

"Are you ready to go?" Terrell says, holding my car keys. Although, I don't understand why he always like's to drive. It is my car after all. I guess I should be happy that I have my own chauffer.

"Yep, all ready." We both get in the car and he drives to the park. He opens my door once we arrive. I get out of the car smelling the fresh air. I take a step on the sidewalk before deciding to take my shoes off. I walk through the grass, feeling mother nature under my feet. I scan my surrounding's, seeing who has come to the park today. I see an old couple sitting on a bench holding hands. I give a warm smile their way. I can see a dog and his owner playing frisbee. together. Finally, I can see little children playing the park having fun. I suddenly feel a pair of hands grab me from behind, twirling me around. Terrell sets me down and bends down to kiss me. 

"Are you gonna help me set up the blanket or what?" Terrell asks.

"Oh I'm sorry for enjoying myself at the park." I give him a cheeky smile as I grab the blanket from him. I unfold it and lay it down gently in the grass. Terrell puts the basket full of food on the edge of the blanket. We both settle down and get comfortable, before I feel a slight tap on my shoulder.

The Protector  (Terrell Clarricoates FanFiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin