Chapter 19

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Adelaide's Pov:

My whole body is in pain. That mysterious man- whom I've soon came to realize was named Seth- did a real number on me. He wasn't kidding when he said that there would be blood shed. After he was done carving out letters into my chest, he came back the next day and decided to work on the next part of my body. I heard him muttering to himself one day and I decided to listen in. He wanted to work on my upper body, working his way down. I didn't know what he was gonna do next, but I know it wasn't going to be next. But, since he did basically chisel away at my chest, I'm guessing my stomach is gonna be next. I am not gonna look forward to this.

I'm laying quietly on the metal table before the door opens up. "Let's get this party started!" exclaimed Seth. My eyes widened and my heart started pumping its blood from that statement. I was not prepared about what is going to happen. My whole body suddenly tenses up when he gets closer. "No need to be afraid little one, this'll only hurt a lot." Seth joked. He looks down at me with the most dead eyes I have ever seen. It's like there is no life in them, almost like he has no soul. "Now I would tell you what I'm about to do to you, but what fun is that if its not a surprise." He says. I cower away from him as he grabs a large knife. He walks over to a table that has a sharpening stone planted on it, and he sharpens his knife. Once the knife is to his satisfaction, he glides his finger along the thin blade, making sure it's sharp enough for his pleasure.

He swiftly walks over to me and prepares for incision. My heart feels like its about to leap out of my chest from fear. I try to keep calm as he slowly brings his knife down and cuts from one side of my stomach, to the other. "Ahh!" I scream. The pain is unbearable. My skin feels like it's on fire. I feel exposed to the world, thinking someone could see right through me all of a sudden. It feels like I'm being ripped apart. The cut is deep, and I can already feel myself starting to lose a lot of blood. I try my hardest to stay conscious, so as not to let Seth or whoever is watching, know that I am giving in. Seth lifts up the knife, showing that he is satisfied with his handiwork. He gently tosses the knife on the table next to him, and he grabs a stapler gun. He looks at me with an amused expression. "We don't want you dying on us too soon." He says.  He lets out a low chuckle as he leans over me again. He brings the stapler gun to one side of my stomach and starts smacking down the stapler. I let out a loud whimper. The pain is manageable for me to handle, but still hurts nonetheless. It feels like like a thousands needles are going inside my body all at once. Finally, the stinging stops. Seth puts down the stapler and wipes his hands on his gown. "Whelp, looks like my work here is done, or is it?" A smirk slowly makes his way across his face.

I struggle against my restraints not wanting to go through anymore pain. "No, you can't do this!" I exclaim. All of my grunts and struggles are getting me nowhere, as I am stuck in place. "I can do anything I want. I'm in charge remember? No one can stop me if nobody is here to stop me." He is about to pick up a drill when a blaring alarm rings out throughout the room. "What's going on!" He shouts over the alarm. My eardrums feel like they are about to burst. Seth is covering his ears and running around the room frantically. He doesn't know what to do. He then opens the door and exits out of the room. "Wait, you can't just leave me here!" I shout, with no luck. My breathing starts to quicken. 'What's happening out there?' I think to myself. 'Are they having a drill or something?' The alarm suddenly shuts off, leaving me in complete silence. I look around the room for something to set myself free with. The little table with the knife and staple is sitting close to my right. I reach my hand out as much as I can trying to grab hold of the table. It takes a few tries before I reach one of the legs and scoot it closer to me. The table top is too far of a reach, so I try knocking it over hoping the knife will land next to me. I take my chances and knock the table over. The knife clatters beside on the table beside me. I slowly grab it, clutching it tightly. I flip it over so the blade is facing me and I start rubbing the restraints. 

It took forever to get the restraints off myself, but at least I was set free. I slowly and painfully rise up from the table. I wince as I sit upright. I swing my legs over the side of the table and set my bare feet on the cold floor. I sway a little as I get up, but I quickly catch my balance. I cradle my stomach carefully, making sure not to jostle it too much. I hobble slowly over to the door and I open it. I peek through the door and sweep my eyes left and right. I don't see anyone, so I cautiously exit the room. I decide to go left first, hoping to find a way out. For what seemed like forever, I finally reach a door. I go reach for the door handle, but I suddenly felt dizzy. It felt like I was going to pass out. I quickly open the door and I am surprised with the door opening to a closet inside. I shrug and walk inside. It's small but cozy inside the closet, enough for two people to fit in here. I get dizzy again, so I waddle over to a wall and slide down it. My eyes get droopy and I can't seem to keep them open any longer. I feel so tired. Not being able to fight the tiredness anymore, I finally let it wash over me. I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me. 

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