Chapter 20

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Terrell's Pov:

I quiet my footsteps as we approach the entrance gate to the worn down building. I hear a few crunches in the leaves here and there as some of the men are finding spots to hide. The building wasn't easy to find. We had to search the forest, which seemed to take hours. Finally, one of Mr. Michael's men spotted a rugged structure hiding between a group of trees. We approached it, careful not to alarm any of the guards who are surrounding the area. "Sure are a lot of heavy security around here. Must have something in the building that they don't want escaping." Mr. Michael's jokes. I turn around giving him a glare. "Sorry. I tend to make inappropriate jokes when I get nervous." He says. "I thought an intimidating mafia boss like you doesn't get nervous." I retort. "No matter how tough a man is, they are never tough enough to escape from human emotions." He says. I just nod my head and turn back around.

One of Michael's hit men- who I guess climbed up a tree to see if the coast is clear- waves down at us, giving us the signal to storm the entrance. "All right men, listen up! We are gonna go in there and we are going to get my daughter. Whoever gets in your way of that, shoot to kill. Now lets do this. Are you ready men!" I hear shouts from Michael's men, showing that they agree with him. From all the shouting going on, I didn't see that one of the men had broken open the gate for us to enter. A few men start running in ahead of me before I finally go. I can already see some men fighting from the corner of my eye as I am close to the front door entrance. My only focus now is to rescue Addy and get the hell out of here. I barge through the doors, and it looks like all hell broke loose inside the building. Men are running around like they got their heads cut off, and there is a blaring alarm sounding off that can give a major headache. I start running down one hall, reaching for door knobs hoping they will be open. I keep going down the line before I turn a corner. I bump into someone very hard and we both fall the floor. I see the person get up and hurriedly point a gun at me. Thinking fast, I sweep my leg behind the man, making him fall back down. I quickly get up and grab his gun away from him. I point at his leg and shoot. The man curls into a ball in pain. I have no time for sympathy, so I continue down the hallway.

I try every doorway I can before I come upon a door that's open slightly ajar. I push open the door to see more inside and I see a small, dark room. I look around making sure no one is inside, and I continue through. There is one light that is hanging from the middle of the ceiling. I see a metal table laying under it with surgical tools sitting by its side. I can see a blood trail racing from the table to the door. 'This must be where Addy was. Is she seriously hurt?' I think. My heart starts to race thinking something really bad might have happened to her. Was she tortured in here? Was she in immense pain? I can't think about this right now. I have to go and find Addy. I shake my thoughts away and exit the room. I follow the blood trail, wondering why I didn't notice it at first. I walked a few steps before I reach a door. Here's hoping she's in here. I slowly reach out my hand and lay it on the doorknob. I tilt it down and open the door. Right before my eyes, I can see a helpless, tiny figure curled up into a ball, laying in her own blood. I bend down and lightly touch Addy. She jerks awake and cowers away from me. "No, shh it's okay it's just me." I say reassuringly. 

Addy focuses herself on me and I can see her eyes light up. "Terrell? Your here. I knew you'd find me." She says weakly. She looks like she's almost on the verge of death. The beast inside of me want's to go rip the guy's head off who did this to my precious, but the protector in me can't leave her side. I lean down and give a kiss on her head. "Don't worry. I'm gonna get you out of here."

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