Chapter 18

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Terrell's Pov:

Mr. Michaels and I haven't gotten a single lead on Addy. We don't know where she is or if she is okay. We can't seem to do anything at the moment if we don't have any clues as to where she might be. The thing we can do though, is to have positive thoughts and hope she isn't hurt too bad. No thanks to my anxiety, I cant seem to form any kind of happy thought in my head. All I can think about is Addy. Where is she right now? Did they hurt her? If so, I am gonna rain hellfire down on the men who did. All of them if I have to. 

My head starts to hurt from thinking too much, so I walk over to the water fountain that is in Mr. Michaels office. I push on the front of the fountain and lean over. I take huge gulps, letting water fill my mouth before swallowing. This doesn't refresh me enough so I head upstairs to take a hot shower. I enter the room where Addy and I slept that one night. I could feel the warmth of her skin as I lied down next to her on the bed. I could hear her steady breathing, making me feel calm. She made me feel safe next to her, knowing that she was safe in return. I don't know what I would do without Addy. She is the love of my life and I can't imagine living a life without her. Being without her makes me feel like their is a void inside me. It feels dark and cold. She is the light that lights it up inside. Filling that darkness with light. She brings me back from the depths of despair that is wallowing up inside me. If she wasn't in my life, nothing would make me happy.

I enter the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror with judging eyes. Disgusting. Those are the words that pop into my head when I look at myself. My hair is a mess and looks like I haven't brushed it in ages. My under eye bags have eye bags, making me look like a worthless zombie, and my clothes are hanging loosely around my body. How am I supposed to be strong for Addy if I cant even take care of myself? 

I smack the counter and prepare for my shower. I turn the knob for the shower head to come on and I wait for it to warm up. When I feel that it's warm enough, I hop in. I let the warm water rush over my body, making me forget about my worries for a minute. The hot water makes my skin feel tingly on impact. As I'm drowning my worries away, I hear a loud alarm ring out. I can hear faint voices of men shouting. All of a sudden, one of Mr. Michael's men busts through the bathroom door and gives me the news. "We've got a lead on Addy!" I quickly finish my shower and get out. I throw some dirty clothes on, not caring at the moment. I hurriedly run downstairs and repot to Mr. Michaels. "You've got a lead? Where is she?" I question, wanting a clear answer. "She's out in the middle of the woods right by Deep Shallows Lake. We are heading there right now." He says. "Now go get into your uniform and lets head out." He states. I obey his orders and get my uniform on. When everyone is ready, the doors to the warehouse open up like the parted sea and we walk through, preparing for battle of the mafia's. 

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