Chapter 17

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I come to and find myself in a different room. When my eyes try adjusting themselves to the bright light above me, I take my time to check my surroundings. I am in a different room this time. There is soundproof foam covering from wall to ceiling. My stomach drops instantly at what this might mean for me. Are they trying to drown out my screams of pain? Am I hidden in a place where I shouldn't be? All these thoughts are running through my head. What are they going to do to me? My thoughts are abruptly interrupted when a door swings open to my left. A man with a surgical mask on, walks over to me where I am strapped down on a metal surgical table. I am planted right in the middle of the room where I can be exposed like a lab rat in front of everybody.

The man who came into the room is wearing surgical gloves and a surgical gown, like he is going to do surgery on me-which I know he isn't. My heart starts to quicken its pace as the mysterious man in the gown starts coming closer to me holding a surgical knife. When he stops right by my face, I try squirming away when the man grabs hold of my shirt and starts lifting it up. I don't know what he is going to do. I try to get further away from him, but I cant go anywhere if I'm strapped down. Once my shirt is lifted up and my chest is exposed, the man pulls a lighter out of his pocket and switches it on. He starts heating up the knife, making sure the knife is nice and hot. Once again, I try squirming away from him but I am unable to. "This will only hurt more if you move." He states in a calm voice. This makes me feel even more scared, knowing he probably has done this several times with how calm of a voice he has. Very slowly, he brings down the knife and pierces it into my skin. I let out a scream. I can hear the hot knife sizzling as it slowly glides into my skin. The man guides the knife along my chest, spelling something out. I grab hold of the sides of the table for support. My knuckles start turning white from how hard of a grip I'm using. I have to stay strong. Even though this seems like the least painful thing they might be doing to me, I have to prepare for the worst. I can't cave in.

After minutes of non-stop pain, the man is finally done carving out my chest. "Alright." the man says as he takes off his mask and gloves, "That wasn't so bad was it?" The man reaches over to a little table to his left and picks up a hand mirror. He then gently places it on my stomach. "So you can see my beautiful handiwork. My art will be all over your body soon enough." The light shining in my eyes made it hard for me to see, I could've sworn I seen the man give me a devilish smile, one that sent chills running down my spine. Soon enough, the man cleaned himself up and left the room. I was left completely alone again. I remembered I still had the mirror in my hands. I was so afraid to see what he had done to me, but I had to see it. I slowly lifted the mirror up and angled it toward my chest. The sight at which I had seen terrified me. Carved out on my chest were the words 'Blood will be shed.' I threw the mirror across the room, wanting to forget what I had just read. The next time that man comes back, there is gonna be a lot more screaming than what I had done today, that is for sure. 

After being completely overwhelmed, I start to feel tired. I let out a huge yawn about to fall asleep before an image pops into my head. It was Terrell. I wonder what he is doing right now? Is he trying to find me right now? Has he forgotten about me and moved on? Why hasn't he rescued me yet? I can't get rid of these negative thoughts about Terrell. I know he loves me and I know he is coming for me. I cant start doubting him now. I clear the thoughts away and focus on sleeping. In no time at all, I fall into a deep sleep.

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