Chapter 12

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I haven't seen Wyatt the whole school day. Maybe this is a clue that he actually did do it and he doesn't want to act suspicious around people. After school ends, Terrell and I meet up by my car in the parking lot. We hop inside and think about today. 

"Alright, Wyatt wasn't in school today so that has to mean something." I state. Terrell nods his head slowly, thinking about what I said.

"Even if he did skip out on school, and it possibly could be him, where would he go to hide away and not be seen?" Terrell questions. I think for a moment before remembering something.

"I got it!" I shout, "Wyatt and I had a secret hide out when we were younger that no one else knew about. We would always go there to let off steam or get away from the world for a little bit. It's this old, run down bowling alley that's downtown. He has to be there for sure. I just hope the building is still there." I say nervously.

"Ok. Lets go then." Terrell says. He turns the car on and drives out of the parking lot. Before we exit out of the school parking lot though, Terrell stops and turns to look at me. I turn to look at him as well, wondering why he stopped.

"Remember what I said before? If anything bad happens w-" I cut Terrell off and finish his sentence for him. "We are out of there, understand?" I mimic him. He gives me a smirk and drives off. After an hour of driving, we finally reach downtown. I look out my window and notice all the buildings. They look so worn down and crumbled. Some lots have buildings that are barely even standing, and others that are completely torn down. We drive through the streets until I see a familiar building. It's the old bowling alley. I tell Terrell to pull over about ten feet away from the building so nobody sees us. He parks the car far enough away and we continue to get out. We slowly make out way over to the building to see if anyone is in there. I find a broken window and peek inside. Everything is so dark and musty. I feel Terrell come up by my side and peek through the window as well. All of a sudden, I can hear voices. 

I see a figure come around a corner, and then see four more come around as well. I can see that they are holding some type of equipment with them. They set if down on a wobbly table and sit down around it. They start opening up their equipment and place it on the table. It looked to be computers that they have. I couldn't quite see what was on the computers, but it looks important. After a while of setting everything up, one of them starts speaking, and I can recognize the voice.

"Alright boys, we have her house in sight. I want one of you to keep guard in the front and the other in the back. Do not let her out of your guys' sight. If her bodyguard tries to get in the way, well, you know what to do." Terrell and I both look at each other. We then turn our attention back to Wyatt. "Now we are going to do this at midnight when everyone is asleep. Make sure you guys cover your faces. We don't want a repeat of last time. And remember, shoot anything that gets in your way. We only care for the girl and nothing else. Does everybody understand me!" Wyatt yells. "Yes boss!" they reply. "Good." Wyatt says. He grabs a gun from his boot and cocks it. "Lets get ready then." He says.

Terrell and I hurry and run to the car. We jump in not caring about our seat belts at the moment, and we drive off. I start breathing hard, not being able to come to terms about what Wyatt is doing. 

"Do you understand what this means T?" I question, "Wyatt is the guy my dad was talking about. He is the mafia leader that my dad has been trying to negotiate with. How has this been under my nose the whole time? I have known him for so long and I didn't even know he was part of the mafia. Does my dad know about this, or does he already know but doesn't want to tell me." I start rambling. Terrell puts his hand on my leg and shushes me.

"Hey, its ok. We will figure this out. I wont let anything bad happen to you. I promise." Terrell gives me a reassuring look and continues driving. He starts heading towards my house but I redirect him.

"No. I don't want to go to my house. Wyatt might think we are already there. I want him to get his hopes up thinking he has me. We need to go to my dads warehouse. It's where he works. I have clothes stored there in case anything bad might happen, just like this." I say.

"Alright then. To your dads warehouse we go." Terrell states. I let out a huge sigh and sit back. I just hope Wyatt gets what he deserves. 

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