Chapter 14

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I wake up to an empty spot next to me. I'm still a little groggy from sleep, so I feel around the bed a little dazed. I start to get a little worried that something might have happened to Terrell when I can't feel him next to me. I start to panic so I call out his name. "Terrell! Terrell where are you?" I can see the bathroom door open up and I see Terrell running out. "Hey what's wrong? Are you ok." he says worriedly. I cling to him when he reaches the bed. "I though something bad happened to you. You weren't next to me when I woke up." I say panicky. Terrell pulls me in tighter, making me feel more safe. "You don't have to worry about me Addy. It's you that I  should be worrying about. I am your protector after all." he says comfortingly. He lets go of me and cups my head in his hands. He gives me a smile before leaning in for a kiss. I lean in as well, being prepared to feel those luscious lips on my own. Both of our lips meet and we start kissing. His lips are warm just like before. We start out slow, both enjoying the physical touch. I reach my arm up and around Terrell tugging at his hair teasingly. He lets out a small moan. He then tries to dive his tongue inside my mouth, but I dodge him. He lets out a faint gruff, making me smile. That was a bad move as he finally invaded. We touch tongues, getting even closer than before. Before exiting, Terrell decides to bites my bottom lip on his way out. I can't help my smile. Our foreheads meet after the kiss, just resting there for a moment, when Terrell suddenly notices something. 

Terrell gets up off the bed and crosses over to the other side of the room. He crouches down a bit trying to search for the thing that caught his eye. "What are you looking for?" I question. Terrell doesn't answer me and continues walking over to the dresser, which had an object on it that clearly caught his attention. He finally reaches the dresser and picks something up. He turns around and shows it to me. In his hand was a tiny camera that was hidden in between books. I give a gasp, wondering why anyone in their right mind would plant a camera in my room. "Who the hell put this in here?" Terrell says angrily. I just shrug my shoulders. "I have no idea. My dad had strict rules that no one is to set foot inside my room. Clearly someone didn't get the memo." I say. "How long has this been in here?" Terrell asks. "Beats me. I haven't been here in a few weeks. Maybe throughout that time someone must have came in here and set up a camera." I answer. Terrell flips the camera around in his hand inspecting it. "Lets see if there's any footage. Lets hope there's someone stupid enough to record themselves setting it up." he says. I nod my head in agreement. He walks back over to the bed and sits down.

Its kind of a dated camera, maybe early 2000. Terrell turns on the camera and flips open the screen that's located on the side. He also slips his hand inside the little handle to hold it up. I don't know how we didn't see this, it looks so big. Maybe it was just hidden really well. With the camera powered up, Terrell pushes a button that lets you see the recordings. He presses it and a video starts playing. We see a man come into my room trying to set the camera up and hide it. Terrell was right about one thing though, this person was dumb enough to record themselves. I continue watching the video to see the person angling the camera at my bed, possibly hoping to get some interesting footage. That didn't work out too well seeing as how I'm hardly here now a days. Finally the footage cuts out and another clip starts. It was a clip of me falling into bed feeling really tired. I then see Terrell walk into frame and sit on the side of my bed. I start to get a funny feeling in my stomach. That's when I realize that this is footage from last night.

I start to shake, not knowing I was doing it. I start pointing at the footage, trying to get my words out. Terrell notices and lays a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Addy what is it?" he says. I continue pointing at the screen, trying ever so hard to get any word out. "It-it- it's the footage from last night. Don't you remember?" I say stuttering. Terrell takes a closer look before realizing that it really was from last night. "Holy shit your right." he exclaims. I get up from the bed and start pacing the room. "How could we not know that someone came into our room last night we would have heard the door open did you hear the door open you must have because I would have heard  two grown men fighting in the middle of the night, well maybe it was a woman instead I don't know! This is all too much!" I say without speaking another breath. I start to hyperventilate, not having any willpower to stop myself. Within seconds, Terrell is by my side. "Hey, hey sit down." he says calmly. We both sit on the floor with him trying to calm me down. "Shh, your alright. Nothing bad has happened to us okay? You are safe with me. I know I sound like a broken record, but I will not let anything happen to you. You have to trust me on this. Can you trust me?" he asks. I nod my head in understanding. "Good." he says. "Now look up." he demands. I listen to him and look up at him. He puts up a finger, but I don't understand. "How many fingers am I holding up?" he asks. "Um, o-one." I say. He then puts up three more fingers. "Now how many is this?" he questions. Once again, I answer him. "Four." I say. He puts down one finger and asks me, "Now how many?" he says. "Three." I answer him. I start to feel calmer, having had a good distraction. I collapse in Terrell's arms, feeling exhausted. "I know that you were holding up fingers for a distraction, but were those specific numbers?" I question. Terrell lets out a small chuckle. "It was meant for I love you. You know one meaning I, four meaning love, and three meaning you." he says. He boops my nose on the last word, making me flinch at the touch. "Maybe that could be our secret way of saying 'I love you.'" I say excited. "If that's what you want." he says. I nod my head excitedly. "Okay then." Terrell puts up one finger, then four, and then three, indicating the secret word. "I love you too." I say. 

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