Chapter 16

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Adelaide's Pov:

I wake up slowly. My head is pounding, giving me a major headache. I don't remember much of what happened. I was in the warehouse searching for Terrell and the next thing I knew, I was seeing stars followed by darkness. I look around the room trying to soak in my surroundings. I am in a dimly lit room, sitting in a chair right in the middle of it. The chair seems to be the only piece of furniture in this very small room. A door is to the left of me that's placed in the middle of the wall. There is also a mirror right in front of me so it can show me how terrible I look and feel. Am I in an interrogation room? No wonder the room is so depressing and gray, something I feel right now for being caught and not being able to help T. If we hadn't split up, we wouldn't be in this mess. I wouldn't be in this mess. Stuck in my thoughts, I didn't even realize someone entered the room and sat their chair in front of me. I couldn't recognize their face at first because they were wearing a mask, but when I saw those green almond eyes with a brown blowout haircut. I look up at him in terror as he turns his chair around and sits backwards on it. 

I clear away the terror look on my face and sit straighter in my chair. I am not going to give him the satisfaction that I lost and he won. At my actions, I can see Wyatt's eyes crease, giving me the idea that he is smiling. 

"Am I amusing to you?" I mock. I give him the hardest glare I can manage before he speaks. "I am gonna have some fun with you." he says, laughing maniacally. I cower at the evil laughter he managed to sum up. I never in a million years thought that my best friend could ever do something like this. No, not my best friend, the devil's son himself. No wonder he never told any details about his personal life. Even though he was my best friend, he never shared any personal information with me. Only little details here and there, but never anything big. I realized I don't know who Wyatt is after all. Wyatt inches a little closer to me and I try and scoot away the best I can. Suddenly, in a quick motion, Wyatt gets up off his chair and throws it across the room. I flinch at the commotion. Wyatt is suddenly all up in my business, leaning over me. I try to get away from his touch, but he holds me down. He leans down next to my ear and whispers. 

"Do you know why your really here Adelaide? Addy." He whispers my name in a chilling manner. He leans away from me and stands directly in front of me. "If only you were smart you would know why I am really doing this." he says. "I was smart enough to figure out you were the mafia leader wasn't I?" I question. Wyatt nods his head slowly, as if agreeing with me. "That you did little Addy. But there is so much more to it then that. You are here for my revenge." I stare up at him blankly, not understanding. "You really don't know do you?" he says with a defeated look. Wyatt shakes his head and continues. "Well since you don't know, I'll tell you anyways." Wyatt lets out a loud sigh before continuing. "Your father killed my father." he states. I give him a look of surprise.

"That can't be possible. Your father wasn't apart of the mafia, and neither were you." I say. "Well I guess you weren't important enough to your father to know certain things." he says scoffing. "Anyways, turns out my father was the one who killed your mother. Oops." He says sarcastically. I aggressively tug on the chains keeping me to the chair. How dare he say that about my mother. He has no right. Before I can protest, he cuts me off. "I know it was surprising to me to at first. But then I just accepted it. I never thought my dad would actually intentionally kill your mother, but I guess that's just the way it goes when it comes to the mafia." I give him the death glare, making sure not to break contact. All Wyatt does is let out a chuckle and continue on.

"After all that fiasco happened, your father started hunting down my father. Of course he didn't know it was my father until he finally caught him. Skip all the fighting and killing and then there's me. I saw the whole thing, watching the entire time. After he killed my father he saw me. He pointed his gun at me. I was ready to go until he realized that I was your best friend. He didn't want to hurt you like that. Since then, I have been planning my revenge to try and get back at him. It was hard at first but then, I realized the only precious thing to him was you. So I did my stuff and got you here. Are we all caught up now?" He looks at me pointedly, hoping I got all of that. The one thing I don't get is how my father ended up killing Wyatt's father. He told me he gave up on his revenge. Unless, all those times he wouldn't tell me where he was going every second of the day. That was after he told me he was done with getting revenge. That must have been when this all started. I clear my throat and start. 

"Yes Wyatt. I did get all of that. Now what?" I ask questioningly. "This is going to be the fun part." He says excitedly. He leans in real close to me until we are almost touching noses. "You are gonna be in so much pain when I am done with you, that you'll be wishing you were dead. And there's no bodyguard here to stop me from doing so." I give a gasp before getting knocked out again. 

Hello my peeps, I am finally back. I hope you guys found this chapter exciting. What do you guys think will happen to Adelaide? Do you think Terrell will save her in time? I will try to update every other day so as not to overwhelm myself. Anyways hope you guys enjoy! 🤗🥰

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