Chapter 10

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My dad and I both carry Terrell inside the house and we lay him gently on the couch. He lets out a loud groan as he is set on the couch.  I kneel down next to him inspecting his wounds. They don't look too bad, only a couple cuts here and there with a black eye starting to form; a nose bleed was taken care of in the car. I go to caress his face to comfort him, but he winces when I accidentally touch his eye.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I say soothingly. He puts his hand on my leg and squeezes, telling me it's all good.

"I should have listened to you T. I was so oblivious to his standoffish way, especially when it was directed towards you. I was just excited to have my best friend back." I lower my head, ashamed of myself. Terrell puts his fingers under my chin and lifts my head up to look at him.

"Do not blame yourself for this, okay? Besides, he should have known better than to mess with my girl." I start to blush at hearing him say 'my girl.' My dad walks into the living room holding an icepack. He hands it to Terrell so he can lay it on his face. My dad sits in the chair next to the couch and gives a sigh.

"So who exactly was this kid again." he asks.

"You know that childhood friend I used to have, Wyatt." I start to explain.

"Oh yeah, that one kid who had a crush on you." he says. I give a confused face and continue on.

"He did not have a crush on me. Maybe he was just a really nice kid." I didn't want to admit it, but Wyatt always did seem like he had a major crush on me when we were younger. I always just saw him as a really great friend though. My dad lifts an eyebrow, indicating that that wasn't true. 

"Enough of this Wyatt kid. You aren't going to school tomorrow." my dad slowly gets up from the chair.

"No dad I have to go. I have to deal with the Jeremy situation." I give him a pleading look.

"And I will be by her side the entire day." adds Terrell. My dad thinks for a bit before speaking.

"Alright fine. Terrell must not be farther than ten feet away from you, is that understood?" I nod my head quickly, showing him that I understood.

"Ok. I have to get back to work, so you guys have fun with whatever. Terrell and I both nod our heads before my dad exits the house and drives off. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower to get some of this blood off of me." Terrell stands up and kisses me on the head. He walks up the stairs to my room as I follow him. He enters the bathroom and closes the door. I can hear the showerhead turn on right after Terrell enters the bathroom. I relax on my bed until T is done with his shower. While on my bed, I think back to tonight. How could I not see the signs that Wyatt was putting off. I should have seen the red flags when he said that I would be better off with him than Terrell. Luckily he was there with me tonight or else I don't know what would have happened. I just hope he doesn't show up to school tomorrow. I give a huff and sit back on my bed. Suddenly, the shower turns off. It takes a few minutes before Terrell opens the door and walks out. He stops at the edge of my bed and looks at me. I look at him up and down, admiring his body. I crawl out of bed and walk over to Terrell. I stand right in front of him. I put my hands on his chest and then start sliding down.

I slide all the way down to where his towel is wrapped around his waist. I carefully unwrap it, exposing his member. Terrell is staring down at me the whole time I am doing this. I reach my hand up and touch his member, sliding it up and down. I can feel Terrell tense up at my touch. After rubbing my hand up and down, I decide to lick my tongue around it. I lick his tip before engulfing his whole member. I bob my head back and forth until I can feel Terrell get hard in my mouth. Terrell tilts his head back and moans, enjoying the sensation. He grabs my head, wanting me to swallow him more. I keep bobbing my head back and forth until he lets out a huge moan. Suddenly, I can feel a liquid substance enter my mouth. I take my mouth off his member and swallow it. Terrell falls on the bed with a huff and wraps the towel back around him. I then lay down next to him.

"Did you enjoy that?" I ask confidently. He turns his head to look at me and gives me a smirk.

"I've never felt more close to you than I do right now." he leans over and strokes my hair. I close my eyes and enjoy his touch. He then stops to get under the covers, holding it up for me so I could get under as well. He holds me in his arms until we both fall asleep.

The next day, I get up extra early so I can practice turning down Jeremy. I've never really had to confront a guy in person before. Usually I just ignore them and they get the hint that I don't like them. I study what I am going to say in my head until I hear Terrell stirring in his sleep. I quietly walk over to him and kneel down next to him. I push back his hair to see the rest of his beautiful face. He looks peaceful in his sleep. I can hear Terrell groan before slowly opening his eyes. He looks around before his eyes land on me. I give a smile and kiss him on the forehead.

"Good morning sleepy head. How did you sleep?" He gives me a half smile and grunts.

"That good huh?" I giggle before going downstairs. I check in the fridge to see if there was anything good to eat, and alas, there was still nothing. I'll just grab breakfast at school then. I close the fridge door and sit on a chair on the kitchen counter. I daydream about giving Terrell head last night. That was really great. Not only did he enjoy it, but it took his mind off of the fight he had. I feel myself start to blush and I shake the dream away. Terrell then trudges down the stairs, ready to take on the day. He gives me a kiss on my forehead before leading me out the door.

*At School* 

I have been searching everywhere at school trying to find Jeremy. He is nowhere to be seen. I am about to give up when I see my friend Mary. I hurry and run over to her to see if she has seen Jeremy. I tap her on the shoulder and she turns around.

"Have you seen Jeremy, I've been searching everywhere and I can't find him." I ask panting.

"Oh you haven't heard? He died last night."

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