part 34: preparations

Start from the beginning

Issei: you're right. I have to do this for her.

Sairorg: you should want to!

Boost boost

Issei: yeah... She needs me, I promised, I WANT TO PROTECT HER!!

The mask manifests and do does his armour, the two powers were merging on another level.

Ddraig: !!!!!!

Issei's armour began to change. Each plate of his armour has a white edge, his helmet was now a metal Vasto Lorde helmet. It had the makings, the sharp teeth and the horns, it's jaws opened whenever he opened his mouth wide enough. His chest plate jewel has the markings he did when he turned into a Vasto Lorde, his claws and talons were jet black. He let out a hollow and dragon roar that actually scared Sairorg, regulas came out of no where and stood between the two, he was shaking because he was scared of Issei but now he though he was about to die trying to protect Sairorg. His team arrive and surrounded Issei who's power was still increasing. Sairorg told them to back off but they didn't. 3 portals open around them. Ahri was training in Kyoto and sensed a great change in Issei, it felt like his hollow side took over and immediately teleported there, Kuroka was there too and followed her. Ravel sensed the power and teleported to him. They arrive and see Issei in his new form. He senses Ahri's presence and stops what he's doing. He ignores team Bael who were shaking like a nudist in winter.

The 3 ladies in Issei's team were scared at the sight, the hollow and boosted gear became one from their perspectives and feared that they might have to give their lives in order to stop Issei. Ahri hollowfied, Kuroka was enveloped in chakra and Ravel had promoted to queen. Issei walks over to Ahri.

Issei: Hello my queen.

He cheerfully picks her up in his arms. Everyone let out a breath that they were holding in due to the fear they felt. Ahri and everyone relaxed.

Ahri: you scared me you big dummy..

Issei: did I now?

Ahri: yeah! We felt the change and we though that you lost control.

Issei: hehe sorry everyone, I was just getting used to using both powers in unison.

They all look at his armour and they were amazed.
Kuroka was getting a little wet from the power he was showing but managed to control herself, she has a boyfriend who loves her and she loves him. Ravel's head caught fire and Ahri just felt the armour.

Kuisha: glad you're in control... I though I would have to get serious and kill you...

Issei put Ahri down and looked at her. Kuroka smirked and played a recording.

Issei: ...... none of your holes can save you, care to test that?

Everyone: ......

Kuroka: .......gonna need a sensu bean for that one.

He flared his power for a second and they all felt it, it'll take great red and Ophis to stop him.

Issei: I didn't even boost my power just now. If you think you can even scratch me then you're welcome to try.

Coriana: Kuisha don't do it.

Kuisha: I was challenged just now, as a member of the Abadon family, I must not back down. I accept.

Sairorg: this should be insightful. Issei I want to try as well.

Issei: so be it. Come at me.

Sairorg: regulas, balance break.

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