36. The text

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Louis POV

The past few weeks had been great. Harry and I were doing great, and so were our friends. When Harry and I begun hanging out more, and being closer to each other again, I had half expected Zayn to craw back to where he was before, silent and a little uncomfortable being around us, but if anything, he was gradually coming out of his shell more. I don’t know what had changed, but I had seen more of who Zayn actually is in the past couple of weeks, than I had in years. It was like he was finally trying to move on from everything holding him back, and just enjoy life, relax and be himself.

I had also noticed him and Liam rebuilding their friendship. I saw the gazes Liam would always give him, that were so obviously filled with love, and I wondered, and desperately hoped that Liam was the one bringing about this change in Zayn. Of course, I would always been Zayn’s friend, and I would be there whenever he needed me, but I knew it wasn’t good for Zayn to be dependent on me, after all, he needed to be his own person, not just my shadow.

I arrived at Harry’s house, where the four other guys were already waiting for me. My mum grounding me had only lasted the week, but it was still hard to convince her to let me out so I could see Harry. I wasn’t sure if she had grown to accept me yet or not, but I hoped time would heal our relationship, and one day I could have Harry over to meet her and my sisters, this time with the ‘boyfriend’ title.

When I knocked at the door, Harry came and smiled when he saw me. “Hey babe,” he said softly, and I stepped forwards into his arms, as he wrapped them around my waist. “Took you long enough,” he muttered, kissing my cheek.

I giggled, tilting my face so I could kiss him properly. “I love you,” I mumbled, humming. “And I’m sorry. Mum wasn’t happy about me seeing you,” I sighed, giving a little shrug.

Harry frowned, sighing as he led me inside. “You said she’d be over it by now,” he said quietly. “Do you want me to come round sometime, and us three can have a chat, see if we can sort everything out?” he asked, looking worried.

I smiled, shaking my head as I took my shoes off and took his hand, walking with him inside. “It’s fine. I mean, if you want to you can come round,” I shrugged. “It’s a risk… you could make it better or worse,” I said, giving him a half smile. “I’m sorry,” I sighed, leaning into him a little. “I know you want me to be happy and have a supporting family, but I’ve accepted that my mum isn’t like yours,” I shrugged half heartedly. “I still love her and she says that she still loves me, she just doesn’t approve of my choices.”

Harry nodded slowly, seemingly thinking everything over. He hummed softly, taking a moment, before he hugged me gently. “Ok… I get it,” he said softly. “But if you want my help or reassurance with anything, or if things get too much, please tell me,” he said quietly. “I’ll be here for you whenever you need me,” he said, placing a kiss to the top of my head.

I smiled, leaning into him and giving him a hug. “I know,” I mumbled. “And I will talk to you, I promise. But everything’s ok at the moment, it’s just going to take time,” I shrugged.

Harry nodded, pecking my cheek quickly before leading me into his room where the other three were waiting for us. Niall and Zayn were currently in some one-on-one game on the Xbox, but they still gave us a quick glace when we came in, before returning to their game.

“What took you so long mate. You were down there for ages,” Niall complained, looking up at Harry. He looked back at the screen and groaned as Zayn smiled victoriously. “Fuck this,” Niall muttered, and Harry went over to sit on the bed, not answering Niall’s previous question, since he had probably already forgotten about it.

I Can Save You (Ziam/Larry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora