16. Secrets Revealed

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 Hope you like this chapter :) Expect updates hopefully about once every five days.

Harry POV

I liked Louis a lot, probably more than he knew. It wasn’t quite love yet, but I knew if things kept going well, I’d soon feel that way for him, whether he felt the same or not. We had spent the whole afternoon and evening together yesterday, just talking about ourselves and learning more about each other. It was great; I felt we were really gaining a strong connection.

I pulled up at the school car park and got out of the car, surprised to see Louis standing by the entrance to the school, looking at me. I walked over to him with a smile, pulling him in for a short hug before pulling away and looking at him. “Hey Lou, how you doing?”

Louis smiled back at me, beginning to walk into the school with me. “I’m good,” he said simply with a nod. “I had a good time yesterday; we should do something like that again.”

I nodded, putting my hand on his back, in between his shoulder blades, so it could just be seen as friendly, as we walked. “You… you mean like a date?” I asked a little shyly.

Louis shrugged, smiling up at me with a small giggle. “If that’s what you want,” he said, nodding.

I just smiled back at him. “Sounds like a plan,” I said, winking at him as we made our way into the school. We both had different registration classes, so when we reached the point we would have to part, I turned to him. “So, I’ll see you in Chemistry, right?” I asked, and he gave me a nod, before we both went to our own different classes.

Registration was uneventful, mainly just me and Niall talking about things as Liam sat and listened. Then I had my first class, then it was Chemistry.

Once we were in the science classroom, Louis came over and took a seat next to me, smiling across. I giggled a little. “Y’know, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were stalking me,” I teased.

Louis just rolled his eyes, smirking at me. “Please, who would want to stalk you?” he asked. “The only interesting thing in your life is me,” he giggled. I gasped, mocking hurt. “Harry…” Louis said, with a sigh, still a hint of mischief in his eyes as I pouted back at him, crossing my arms over my chest with a huff. “You’re weird,” he said with a giggle, before the teacher came in and started the lesson.

The lesson was rather boring, but we did a bit of practical work, where Louis and I worked together. As we were both standing at a desk, mixing different chemicals together, I decided to just take the risk and reach under the desk for Louis’ hand. I intertwined our fingers and Louis looked across at me but didn’t pull his hand away.

“Okay?” I asked softly, looking across at him, one corner of my mouth tugged up into a half smile.

“Okay.” He responded, grinning.

We stayed like that for the rest of the lesson, our hands held under the table where no one else could see.

When I next saw Louis, it was lunch, and we met Liam and Niall under ‘our’ tree. We all sat down in a circle, before Louis looked around with a frown. “Where’s Zayn?” he asked.

Liam shrugged. “I’m not sure. He was in the first and second lessons, then he disappeared during the third,” he said.

Louis nodded, humming to himself, and I felt a grin grow on my face as his hand found mine, holding it with our fingers laced together. Louis looked over at me with a questioning look, but I just smiled over at him, and he relaxed.

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