39. Progress

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Dedicated to @I_am_potato_yaas , fistly for that username :P and also for the great comments you've left me all throughout this story, I love each and every one of them :)

Harry POV

I arrived at Louis' house dressed up smartly for our date where Louis would be introducing me to his mum and sisters. Although I had met his mum at least five times already, it was bound to be different this time. I knew she didn't like the fact that Louis was dating a guy, but that didn't have to mean that she didn't like me, did it?

I knocked sharply on the door and straightened up my shirt, wanting to make a good impression. After all, I wouldn't want her to think that I wasn't good enough for him.

"Louis! Zayn's here," I heard her shout from behind the door, and I immediately frowned. Zayn?

After hearing Louis' footsteps running down the stairs, the door swung open in front of me, and I was greeted with a grinning Louis. "Hey," he said softly, taking my hand and leading me inside, into the living room.

I smiled, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Hey babe," I mumbled, walking inside. "Is Zayn coming over or something?" I asked.

Louis stiffened a little, frowning. "No... Uh, why?" he asked quietly.

"Oh... Your mum..." I trailed off as it clicked in my head. "You didn't tell her it's me that's coming over, did you?" I asked with a frown.

Louis sighed, groaning slightly. "I couldn't," he whined, and I just raised an eyebrow at him. "She might have not let you come, or yelled."

I rolled my eyes, huffing. "And I'm sure lying to her is really going to make her like me more," I muttered, shaking my head.

Louis bit his lip, still holding my hand tightly, and only now I noticed it was all clammy, and the nervousness in his eyes showing behind his small smile. "I didn't really think about that," he mumbled, biting his lip, and I knew he was just as anxious about this as I was. I wasn't going to let my mild agitation ruin this.

I sighed, shaking my head. "C'mon. Let's go and sort this out," I said with a small smile, squeezing his hand and walking him back out of the living room, stopping just short of the kitchen, to kiss him softly.

Louis smiled into the kiss, letting his free hand come up to rest on my shoulder, before we slowly pulled away. "I love you," I mumbled. "This is all going to be alright," I nodded, smiling reassuringly.

Louis nodded in response, before heading into the kitchen, dragging me behind. "Hey boys," Jay turned around, smiling, until she spotted me, and her smile turned into a frown. "Hi Harry," she said stiffly. "What are you doing here?" she asked, obviously uncomfortable with my company, and I bit my lip, turning to Louis. Although I was here to help and support him, he had got himself into this, so he is getting us out.

"Uh..." Louis bit his lip, looking down at his feet. "I- It turned out that Harry's coming for dinner... instead of Zayn," he mumbled quietly.

"Louis," his mother said, sounding rather cross, seeing the true meaning of that straight away. "Don't you dare lie to me like that... I was expecting Zayn," she muttered, using that as an excuse to be mad at the fact it was me rather than Zayn, albeit not a very good one.

Louis huffed. "Well what difference does it make that it's Harry?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow, challenging her.

She glared back at him, with a slight frown, and I could almost see her trying to come up with a good answer that wouldn't make her look like a bad person. "I... I could have cooked something more sophisticated than spaghetti..." she mumbled eventually, and I shook my head, smiling a little.

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