3. The Sleepover

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Another chapter for you guys :)

Liam POV

“Liam? Are you all right?” Niall’s concerned voice rang out. I looked up to see him with the school principle, looking over me.

I took a shaky breath in, removed my hand from my face to see it half covered in blood, and nodded a little. “Y-Yeah, I think so,” I replied.

“I have to see to Zayn; would you be ok to take him to the nurse’s room?” the principle asked Niall, who nodded solemnly, leaning down to wrap his arm around my torso. The principle had already gone back into his office to talk to that boy.

Niall helped me stand up, which I could have easily done for myself. But as soon as I was standing, my head started spinning, throbbing, and I felt myself leaning against Niall for support.

We walked together in silence to the nurse’s room in silence, and as the woman there started to examine me, Niall still didn’t say a word. The nurse checked my face, holding an ice pack to the back of my head where it had been knocked against the lockers. She cleaned the blood from my face and gave me a tissue to stop the flow of blood from my nose, along with some painkillers and a glass of water.

“What happened?” Niall asked once the nurse had stopped fussing over me, breaking the silence for the first time in 15 minutes.

“He just hit me then threw me against the lockers. But I did nothing to aggravate him, I swear. At least, not intentionally,” I explained, hoping he would understand.

Niall hummed, obviously thinking about something. “What is up with him? Who is he?” I asked once I was sure Niall wasn't going to say anything more. “And what about his friend?” I added, remembering how Niall looked more angry at him.

“We’ll talk about this later, when we're round at Harry’s. Then we’ll explain everything there is to explain.” Niall told me, his voice sounding a lot more serious than I and ever heard it. “Anyway, how's your nose?” he asked, quickly changing the topic.

I took the tissue away from my face, taking a quick look at it. “well it’s stopped bleeding,” I announced. “And I’ve got one killer headache, but I’m fine really - it could have been a lot worse.”

“How about we just stay here for the rest of biology,” Niall suggested. At first, my brain wanted to protest, then I thought about how it hurt when I tried to move too quickly and how I would probably just get laughed at for getting beaten up (I had learnt that was generally what happened with these teenagers – they found other student’s pain amusing). So instead I just nodded to Niall. I wasn't going to be able to learn anything in lessons today anyway and we had missed half of the lesson already, so there wasn't much point.

About five minutes to the end of school, when the bleeding had stopped, my headache was starting to fade and all that was noticeable was a purple bruise on my left cheek, Niall and I headed out of the nurse’s room. He lead me to the car-park and over to a silver car in the middle. There, we waited for Harry to come out of school.

When he saw us standing next to what I assumed was his car, he ran over, a smile on his face. That was, until he saw me.

“Hey guys, you ready to- Liam, what happened to you?” He asked, concern written over his face.

“He had a bit of a run with Zayn Malik,” Niall answered for me, and Harry’s eyes widened.

“It’s alright though, I’m fine now.” I said, trying to convince him. Harry nodded and opened his mouth to speak again when Niall cut him off.

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