26. Picking up the Pieces

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Liam POV

Less than five minutes after I had abruptly hung up my call with Harry, I heard his car coming round the corner and stopping in front of me. I hadn’t told Harry what had happened, and when he stopped the car and came running around to see me, he stopped short with a gasp.

“Liam… What the hell?” he asked, his voice almost a whisper.

I shook my head a little, not meeting his eyes as I tried to get up, wincing in pain. Harry looked between the house and me, a glare in his eyes. He put his arm round me, but hesitated to help me to the car, his gaze still locked onto the house. “Can… Can we just get away from here?” I asked quietly, biting down on my lip.

Harry sighed, tearing away from the house and helping me into his car. “Yeah… I’ll take you to my house, if that’s alright?” he asked with a small sigh, and I nodded slowly, strapping myself in.

The drive back to Harry’s was silent, and when we got there, he parked the car and helped me out of the car, and inside, mumbling little, ‘alright?’s along the way.

I sat on his couch, slumping down as Harry gave me a pillow to rest my head on.

“Alright, what happened?” he asked. “I need all the details, the full story.” He demanded.

I sighed. “There’s no story to tell,” I mumbled, biting down on my lip as tears came to my eyes. This was the first moment I had time to breathe and let my emotions about what had really happed out. “I… I told him. He got mad,” I said simply, wiping my eyes on my shirt, and sighing when I pulled it away and saw it stained red.

“That’s it?” Harry asked. “I mean, you didn’t force yourself onto him or anything?” he asked, as if trying to make sense of all this in his head. It wouldn’t help. This hardly made sense to me. I only knew one thing was clear. Zayn hates gays. Or more specifically; Zayn hates me. “Not that I think you would do anything like that,” Harry quickly added. “It just… He did this completely unprovoked?” he asked.

I nodded slowly and sadly, rubbing my face as I sniffed. “I guess,” I said quietly. “But I knew he was homophobic. And it was bound to be worse for him knowing a guy had feeling for him,” I shook my head. “I should have read the signs… this was stupid. I shouldn’t have said anything,” I sighed.

Harry quickly shook his head, crouching down beside me and wiping the hair from my face. “None of this was your fault. None of it. I promise you,” he said firmly. “Can you say that?” he asked, like I was a child, which just made it worse.

“None of this is my fault,” I repeated weakly, not sure if I believed it or not.

“He had no reason to do this to you. I should be calling the police right now. That fucker… he…” Harry sighed, almost lost for words. “He’s an asshole.” He muttered, groaning slightly as he shook his head. “Even worse than that.” He shrugged a little. “I hate him.”

I sighed heavily, biting my lip as I shook my head. “He is an asshole,” I agreed slowly. “But I couldn’t hate him…” I closed my eyes tightly shut and felt my nose start running again. I groaned softly in pain, putting my finger up to wipe it and sighing when I saw it was blood.

Shaking his head, Harry got up. “I’ll be back in a second,” he said quietly, walking briskly out of the room. I shut my eyes, rolling onto my side and curling in a ball.

It wasn’t long before I heard Harry‘s footsteps as he came back in the room. He pulled a little table close to me and I opened my eyes to see him place a glass of water and some pills on it. “Hey, just wipe your face gently with this,” he said, handing me a damp cloth. “I don’t want to hurt you anymore,” he sighed.

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