11. Trying to Help

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Harry POV

It seemed each day I was becoming more and more infatuated with Louis. Yesterday we had spent almost the entire day together since Zayn hadn’t come in to school. Louis had talked to me and I knew he was angry, upset and a little scared, only he was trying to mask it, trying to be the glue that held everything together; especially for Zayn. He cared so much for Zayn and always loved it when he knew his best friend was happy, I wished he could feel the same for me, although maybe in a less platonic way.

Don’t get me wrong, I love being his friend, but I know that one of these days I’ll have to tell him about my feelings. I’m not a teenage girl who has to keep everything a secret; I just want to wait a little longer so I can try to assure myself that he won’t freak out when I tell him.

I knew today Louis would want to spend more time with Zayn. Louis was bound to be more protective over him after whatever happened that meant Zayn didn’t want to come into school yesterday. I won’t lie; I am envious of the closeness of their friendship. I want Louis to act like that with me; be over protective of me, never leave me whatever happens, and most importantly; like me as I like him.

I smiled to myself as I thought of Louis; I couldn’t help it. He had taken up almost all of my thoughts and it was distracting. I wondered if this was what it felt like to be in love, I had never has such strong feeling for someone before, and they continued to grow with every day.

Suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts, a hand waved in front of my face. I looked up, seeing Niall sitting opposite me, a smug smile on his face. “You zone out there for a minute mate, you alright?” he asked.

I felt my face heat up, an obvious blush covering my cheeks as I looked up at him, trying to rid my previous thoughts from my head.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I smiled sheepishly and looked over when Liam came up to us in our home room classroom.

“Hey guys, have you seen Zayn this morning?” Liam asked. I furrowed my eyebrows a little as Niall smirked.

“No, why?” he responded.

“Oh, I just… I saw him after school yesterday, and he didn’t seem too good.” Liam said hesitantly, biting his lip and fiddling with his hands in his lap. Both mine and Niall’s eyebrows rose, silently asking for him to explain. “Um well, he had a black eye. I didn’t want to pry into his business and he definitely didn’t want to tell me what had happened…” Liam explained, trailing off with a shrug.

“Oh,” I let out, not sure what else to say. I understood why Louis was so worried about him. He obviously knew at least part of what was going on with Zayn, and had every right to be protective of him. I just wished he could feel that way towards me; worry about me when I don’t turn up at school, be protective of me wh-

“Seriously mate, what are you thinking about?” Niall asked, shaking his head at me, chuckling a little.

I blushed again, looking to Liam, who had a confused yet amused expression on his face. “I… I-I-”

“Just so you know, Louis has the same look on his face when he looks at you,” Niall interrupted, smirking. He seemed proud of himself when my face burned up, so much that I hid in my arms. I wasn’t self-conscious, but I knew Niall was only doing this to get at me, and it was working.

Liam bit his lip, coughing a little. “Anyway, I don’t think we should ask Zayn about it. He obviously doesn’t want anyone knowing just yet, and hopefully he’ll tell us when he’s ready.” Liam said, and I was a little bit shocked at how he was taking control of this situation. Usually he would just sit there, only joining in with the conversation when there was something he felt important to say. He must really care for Zayn.

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