14. Slowly Falling

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Niall POV

When Harry arrived at school the next morning, he was acting different. He had a spring in his step, and was unusually happy to be there.

“What’s up with you this morning?” I asked, him, narrowing my eyebrows at him in accusation.

Harry stopped and shrugged, raising his eyebrows along with his shoulders for effect, but his smile didn’t fade. “I dunno,” he mumbled, “guess I’m just in a good mood.”

That made me even more suspicious, Harry was rarely happy for no reason, especially when he had to come to school and be surrounded by people he mostly hated. I shrugged, just patting Harry’s shoulder. “Anyway, English next mate. You get to see Louis,” I said with a smirk, winking at him.

Harry just rolled his eyes, shaking his head, but his smile only widened, showing off his white teeth as his lips twitched upwards. “Will you quit teasing me about it, I’m beginning to wish I hadn’t told you now,” he huffed, turning his smile into a pout.

“Fine,” I groaned before giggling a little. I couldn’t help it, since I Harry had told me about his little crush on Louis, I couldn’t help but notice how great they would be together. The more I got to know Louis, the more I saw that his personality would go just perfect with Harry’s. “I just think you should make a move already mate, you two would be cute together.” I said as I smiled, not missing the light blush that covered his cheeks.

“Ooh, Styles has a crush,” one of our friends, Oliver said, obviously hearing what I had said. I gave myself a mental face-palm. Sure, he was a friend of ours, but he wasn’t nearly as close to Harry as me or Liam were, and I’m sure doesn’t want his secret coming out to everybody just yet. “Who is it man?” he asked, giving Harry a friendly punch to the shoulder, smiling as he looked between us.

Harry’s expression was a mixture of scared, and anger towards me. I could see him looking panicked and biting on his lip, not knowing what to say, so I thought I better save him. “Oh, it’s just that girl, Rosanna,” I said, knowing that Harry had done some partner work with her in drama once.

When Harry’s eyebrows rose dramatically at me, I immediately regretted that. I should have probably said that it was someone that he knew from outside of school and made up a random name. “But please,” I quickly added, putting my hand on Oliver’s shoulder. “Don’t say anything, to anyone. He doesn’t want everyone knowing.” I said, and smiled when Oliver gave a small nod.

“Sure, your secret’s safe with me, Styles,” he said, patting Harry on the back before making his way to the other side of the class.

As soon as he had turned his back on us, Harry was glaring at me and I shrank back a bit. “Why did you do that?” he hissed, making sure to keep his voice down now.

I bit my lip, before shrugging. “I’m sorry, but would you rather I had told him the truth?” I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed, sending me a pointed glare.

“I hate you,” he muttered, rolling his eyes.

I smiled, knowing he wasn’t serious about it. “I hate you too,” I said happily, ruffling his hair with my hand, earning myself another death glare.

A few minutes later, Harry, Liam and I were all walking to our English lesson. We all sat down in our usual seats at the back of the class, only for the teacher to clear her throat before telling us she had a specific seating plan for us, moving us around as she desired so that we would be sitting next to our partners for a project we would be working on for the next few weeks.

I Can Save You (Ziam/Larry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora