12. Anger Management with Liam Payne

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Liam POV

“What do you even see in him?” Niall asked as we walked around the school in between lessons. I frowned at him, my jaw tightening subconsciously. It was a week since Zayn and I had been to that gym and tried to release his anger.

That had worked, for a while at least, until one of the guys in our science class had got on his nerves and Zayn had lashed out, probably breaking the kid’s nose with how much it was bleeding.

“I mean, I’m not trying to tell you that you shouldn’t be friends with him, or that he’s bad for you…” Niall sighed a little. “It’s just, is he different when it’s just the two of you?” he asked and I looked over to see him looking back at me, his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

I gave a small, slow nod. “Yeah, I guess. It depends what mood he’s in,” I explained. “Sometimes he will be grumpy and speak even less than he usually does. But when he’s more relaxed, he’s really good to be around and he’s really nice to people he trusts more.” I said with a smile, nodding a little to myself.

Niall nodded too, shrugging. “I guess I haven’t really spent any time alone with him, and I know I haven’t been the most welcoming to him,” he said with a small smile. “I do try, but with what he’s capable of, I find it hard to fully trust him,” Niall pursed his lips a little, stopping outside of our next class, which was music.

“I know,” I nodded, smiling at him, “It’s fine, I don’t care. Sure, I’d like you to like him as well, but I understand it’ll take you a little more time to come around, and I’m sure he does as well.” I smiled, before I stepped inside the classroom with Niall closely behind me.

About ten minutes from the end of the class, and the end of the school day, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Not wanting to check it and get in trouble with the teacher, I waited.

When I was walking out of school with Harry and Niall afterwards, I pulled out my phone, reading the message.

Zayn: Come and meet me at the gym?

I bit my lip; I hadn’t seen Zayn since he had been sent out of class for throwing a punch at that guy’s face and now he wanted me to meet him at the gym. I had wondered if I had made the right decision taking him there, or if it even helped, but if he was willing to go again to let out his stress, then I guess it must have been a good choice.

Liam: Sure, see you there soon :)

I quickly caught up with Harry, asking him if he could give me a lift. I then texted my mum saying that I would be hanging out with Zayn for the afternoon, since he seemed to have her approval, and I was outside the gym within minutes.

I walked in hesitantly, going over to where Zayn had been throwing punches last time. I saw him there, head down, his fists hitting the punch bag repeatedly, not pausing for breath until a while later, when he looked up at me.

“Oh, hi,” he said, a little awkwardly, as he rid his hands of the boxing gloves strolling over to me.

“How are you?” I asked, eyes trailing over his already sweaty forehead.

 “Eh,” Zayn responded with a shrug; which I knew was his way of showing that he wasn’t alright, but didn’t want to admit it.

I sighed, “I’ll be right back,” I told Zayn, before grabbing my sports bag, heading to the changing rooms.

When I returned, I had put on a grey tank top with some sweats along with my trainers. When Zayn saw me, he smiled a little, before continuing to punch the punch bag from all different angles. I just smiled back at him before making my way over to where there was a stack of boxing gloves and pads stored in one corner.

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