37. Baby Steps

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Liam POV

Apparently, Harry couldn’t let me go to Zayn’s alone. We both skipped the afternoon’s lessons, and Harry drove me to Zayn’s. He parked the car and got out; giving me enough space, but being close enough to jump in if anything happened.

I sighed, going up to the front door and tentatively bringing my hand up to knock against the wood. I noticed neither of his parent’s cars were in the driveway, which was hopefully a good sign, as I would get some time alone with Zayn. I knocked firmly against the door, before taking a small step back and waiting, listening for any sign of movement behind it.

I stood there for about a minute, with no sign that there was anyone behind the door, and I was beginning to wonder if maybe Zayn had anticipated us coming here, and had fled to another safe place of his. Maybe Harry was right; maybe Zayn didn’t want to see me. Or, the other side of my brain argued, he just thinks that he wants to be alone, but really, he’s desperate for someone to help him through it.

Maybe like I was, when I first discovered I was liked guys. All I wanted was someone who knew what it was like, who could help me out a little; that’s why I had turned to Harry. Maybe I could be the one to help Zayn become fully comfortable with who he is.

Harry had said that I’d done enough for Zayn already, but it wasn’t just a one way street anymore. Zayn helped me become a better person, helped me loosen up and not be as worried, and helped me to be comfortable around him again. We were both there for each other, and I couldn’t wait for the day Zayn realised that, and we could finally be together.

That’s why I knew I had to do something about the text. Maybe it was a sign, maybe it was his way of telling me he knew what he wanted, and he wanted me to know that too. Maybe this was his way of reciprocating everything I had confessed to him.

I sighed, knocking a little louder on the door, before leaning back against the doorframe, looking at Harry with a hopeful, yet half exasperated look.

Harry smiled sympathetically back at me, before his eyes flickered upwards, and he paused, before frowning a little. He walked towards me, letting out a soft sigh. “He’s up there,” he told me. “He checked out of the window to see who was there… don’t think he expected to see me,” he said with a dry chuckle.

“Zayn?” I asked. “He’s in there… Why’s he not coming to the door?”

Harry sighed, sending me a knowing look, accompanied by a sympathetic tap to my shoulder. “We should probably go back,” he said quietly. “This doesn’t mean anything other than he might take a little longer to adjust… he’ll be fine soon, just give him a couple of days,” Harry said softly. “After all, this is kinda a big thing… especially for him,” he shrugged.

I sighed, giving a short nod and was about to follow Harry back to his car, when I saw movement from behind the distorted glass on the door.

I paused, looking back. “Zayn?” I asked in a mumbled voice, biting my lip.

There was only silence that followed, and I wondered whether I had just been imagining things, or if the door was too thick to carry the sound through.

“Just leave,” came Zayn’s voice a few seconds later. His voice wasn’t harsh, but it definitely wasn’t friendly either.

I bit my lip, sighing softly, his words only making me want to stay even more. I just couldn’t leave after hearing his voice. I leaned against the door, waiting.

I Can Save You (Ziam/Larry)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu