15. Testing the Waters

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Whoop! I'm back :) I've finished all my exams now so i have all summer to write! Hope you guys are still interested in this story, sorry about my mini hiatus...

Zayn POV

Stupid Harry. Stupid Harry and his stupid crush on my best friend. Now who am I supposed to turn to? I thought at least Louis would stick around with me, but apparently not. Apparently he was far too busy with his new boyfriend to care about me. I didn't know if Harry had told Louis about his crush, but by the way they were both being around each other today made me think he must have.

From the moment Louis saw him English class, it was as if I no longer existed to either of them. I was walking out of school that evening, going to walk to my usual spot in the field, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Hey, you wanna hang out tonight?" Liam asked with a hopeful smile on his face. He looked a little nervous about asking me, and my bad mood softened a bit as I looked over at him

"Um, if you want, I guess," I shrugged, walking slowly so he could walk with me. I let out a sigh, stuffing my hands in my pockets as I walked out of the school gates.

"Oh, that's fine, if you just want some time alone I wont bother you," Liam sighed, obviously taking my shrug as a sign that I didn't want to go. He walked away, probably to go and find Harry or Niall, but I shook my head, wrapping my hand round his wrist. I didn't want to be alone; I wanted people to stop giving up on me. I knew I was a burden to be around, but I just wanted one thing to go my way for once.

"No, it's fine, we could go round to your house or something if you want," I suggested. Yeah, I was a bit desperate; I knew that if I was on my own, I would only end up feeling worse.

Liam nodded, walking with me. After a minute or two of silence, I heard him sigh. "Are you alright Zayn?" He asked. "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine," I huffed as we arrived back at his house, walking up the driveway. I got enough nagging from Louis pleading me to talk to him; I didn't want to have to deal with Liam as well.

Liam stopped at the front door, not unlocking it just yet. "Do you wanna go to the gym or something? That helped last time, right?" he said, looking at me with obvious concern.

I managed a half-smile back at him, before biting my lip, looking down. "Not angry... just upset," I sighed, and Liam frowned but nodded, opening the front door anyway to let me in.

"C'mon, let's go upstairs," Liam said softly, leading me up to his bedroom. I followed, looking around when he opened the door. I had never been in his room before. It was nice, quite like any other bedroom for a guy of our age, with a small double bed, a few posters on the walls and a couple of items of clothing thrown across the room. I smiled a little, sitting on his bed a little awkwardly, not sure what to do.

I didn't know what to say, so I just casually looked around. I could feel Liam's eyes on me, occasionally looking at what I was looking at, biting his lip. Spotting a guitar in the corner of his room, I looked to him, raising an eyebrow. "You play guitar?" I asked, gesturing to the instrument.

He shrugged, blushing a little. "Um, well, yeah, but no... I'm not too good," he said quietly. "I don't play in front of people," he mumbled.

"Oh, well, that's ok," I said with a small smile, liking how he got embarrassed and flustered over the simple things, it was quite cute. "Don't worry about it, you're definitely better than me," I chuckled.

"How do you know?"

"Because I can't play a single instrument," I laughed. "I'm shit at music, I have no idea why I thought it would be a good idea to take that subject."

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