23. Uneasiness and Shopping

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So I kinda took two mini chapters and put them together to make two separate parts of a bigger chapter :)

Zayn POV

By the time I woke, everyone else was already awake beside me. Louis was sitting in Harry’s lap as they sat up on their mattress, and Liam was chatting to Niall on my right. Liam’s eyes glanced to me, and he did a double take when he saw mine looking back at him.

He smiled, looking at me. “Morning, Zayn,” he said softly, sending me a small wave.

I sent him a half smile, before letting out a grunt, rolling over onto my front and closing my eyes again, sighing softly. I heard Louis let out a small giggle. “And here’s where you all see how much of a morning person Zayn is,” he said teasingly, and I threw up the finger in his direction, causing laughter and giggles from the other boys.

They chatted for a while, before I heard the sound of footsteps out of the room and the silence that followed.

I managed to fall asleep soon after, although I’m not sure how long I dozed off for. All that I know is that when I woke up to a foot nudging my side, the room was filled with light blaring in through the windows.

“Uh..?” I let out, looking up to see Louis, gently kicking my body. “Alright, I’m awake… What do you want?” I asked, sitting up and glaring up at him.

He smiled a little, rolling his eyes at me. “I’m heading home now, I thought I should wake you up to say goodbye,” he chuckled a little bit.

My eyes widened a little and I quickly stood up. “You’re leaving?” I asked. “What time is it?”

“Like eleven,” Louis shrugged, frowning a little, before he paused and raised an eyebrow at me. “Why? Do you need to get home or something?” he asked.

I nodded quickly, “yeah, shit,” I muttered, running a hand through my hair. “Err…” I looked around the room, trying to think of what to do. “Um… Thanks for waking me up,” I said, smiling a little at Louis. I gave him a hug, pulling away quickly so it didn’t become too awkward. “I’ll sort something out, don’t worry.” I said with a reassuring smile, nodding at him.

“You’ll text me later,” Louis said sternly, and I rolled my eyes, nodding.

“Yeah, Yeah, of course,” I muttered. “Now get going, I’ll be fine.”

With a sigh, Louis nodded slowly, pulling on his shoes and grabbing his bag of things, leaving the house, but not before he had shared a quick kiss with Harry, and said goodbye to Liam and Niall.

Liam, who had been standing in the room when Louis had woken me, came over with a smile. “Is everything ok?” he asked softly, and I groaned internally. God, how much I hated that question. It was always filled with sympathy or guilt, and I just hated it. It wasn’t like they could do anything to change how I was feeling anyway.

When I didn’t answer, Liam sighed softly. “Um, do you want any breakfast before you go? A hot drink?” he asked.

I wanted to decline. It really would be best if I got home as soon as possible. But then I remembered what Louis had said about Liam caring for me and just wanting the best for me; plus, a hot cup of coffee did sound rather nice right now.

So I gave in, packing up my stuff as Liam made me a drink, but, considering I hadn’t brought anything but my phone and a sleeping bag, it didn’t take long. After that, I sat watching as Liam poured the coffee into a mug.

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