42. Recovery

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Omg last chapter guys... don't cry :(

Zayn POV

I must have passed out, because when I opened my eyes, my head was resting against someone's leg; my face being dabbed with a damp cloth. I looked up to see Liam's worried expression gazing down at me. I smiled weakly, and that seemed to break him from his trance, as his face brightened, and he leaned down to press a kiss to my forehead. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, but I only frowned.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked, and my eyebrows rose a little as I began to panic. "Did he get away? What happened?"

Now it was Liam's turn to frown, shaking his head. "No, the police took him away a second ago. They might still be outside the house," he mumbled. "But it's you... you got hurt, when I promised you wouldn't, I'm so sorry," he repeated.

I smiled, shaking my head a little, until I realised that hurt. "Don't be, it's nothing Liam. I'm fine, what matters is that he's gone, and that's all that matters," I mumbled.

Liam smiled down at me, but still had the hesitant look in his eyes. "It looks like you've got a broken nose," he muttered. "That's not nothing. We were just going to wait for you to wake up before we took you to the hospital. But you were only out like three minutes tops, don't worry," he said softly. "Do you think you can walk to the car, or do you want me to carry you?" he asked.

I smiled weakly, sitting up slowly. "I'm fine," I replied, gripping onto his arm as I slowly lifted myself back onto my feet. Stumbling a little, I felt Liam's arm grip round my torso, keeping me steady as I laid my arm over his shoulders, leaning into me. We began to slowly walk out, until I saw my mum loitering in the corner of the room, watching us.

A massive grin worked it's way onto my face, and I pulled myself away from Liam, dashing over to her and wrapping her up in a tight hug. She held back just as tightly, and I could feel the wetness of her tears through my t-shirt. I sniffled, and saw the blood dripping onto her top, the pain in my nose only just registering in my brain. I pulled back a little and smiled at her worried expression. "We're gonna be okay mum," I said softly. "I promise. He's gone now, forever," I added with a weak smile, causing her to pull me in closer once more, letting out a wet chuckle.

"I love you Zayn," she whispered. "Thank you..."

I sighed softly, nodding slowly. "I love you too," I repeated, as she slowly let go of me, and I took the couple of steps back over to Liam, to get the already bloody tissue he was still holding, holding it to my nose. I beckoned for mum to follow, and she walked out with us to Louis.

"So... is this Liam?" she asked me, and I blushed, smiling even wider that I could now talk to her about stuff like this without having to worry.

"Yeah," I said with a small giggled, finding Liam's hand and holding it gently, looking down at the floor to hide my embarrassment.

She chuckled, followed by a sniff, wiping her eyes. "Well, you seem like a lovely guy, Liam. I look forward to getting to know you," she said, sounding genuinely happy for me.

Liam smiled at her, nodding. "Thank you," he said softly. "It's good to finally meet you... Zayn's told me a lot about you," he said, and I blushed brightly. But it was unexplainable how good it felt to know that I had my mum back; we could finally talk about normal things again, and she could be a part of my life.

"Louis said he could give us a lift to the hospital," Liam added, walking down the street a little, up to where Louis' car was parked. "He was also pestering me to ask you if he could call Harry," he chuckled a little, shrugging.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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