27. Breaking Point

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Niall POV

The first week back at school after Christmas was interesting, to say the least. Zayn had refused to come into school for the first couple of days, and then, on the third day, I saw Louis literally dragging Zayn by his arm to class. In any other circumstance, I would have probably killed myself laughing, watching the small, yet strong and determined Louis pull a reluctant Zayn along behind him.

But it wasn’t funny. Nothing about this situation was remotely funny.

Louis had obviously found out about what had happened, either from Harry or Zayn, I wasn’t sure. But if Zayn had told him what he had done, I would bet that he hadn’t given him the full story.

Lunchtimes had been uncomfortably quiet, and even when Zayn had come back to school, and Louis had been spending time with him rather than us, our conversations had still been stilted and awkward.

Due to the fact Liam and Zayn could hardly spend two minutes in the same room, Louis and Harry’s relationship had really suffered. I think that they still chatted, but since Louis was staying with Zayn and Harry was obviously making sure Liam was alright at all times, they hadn’t got to spend much time together, although I’m sure that was the least of Harry’s worries at the moment.

It was the second Monday of the term, and it seemed Louis had managed to persuade Zayn to come to English lessons, one of the lessons all five of us had together. When Zayn took a seat in the corner, with Louis beside him, everyone fell quiet, most of them looking between out group of three, and Zayn and Louis.

Most people knew what had happened, to some extent. It was hard not to notice the awkward tension between Liam and Zayn, as well as Liam’s fading bruises, and piece together the information, but I doubted anyone knew the full story.

Soon, the people in the classroom began their whispers and muttering. Whether it was about us or not, we couldn’t tell, at least until one guy was brave enough to speak up.

“Y’know, you shouldn’t question why you don’t have any friends, Zayn, if this is how you treat them,” he muttered, shaking his head, and I bit my lip, keeping my gaze off him as I waited for Zayn’s response.

I saw Liam cross his arms across the table and hide his face in his arms, and I knew he was just fed up of this all now. It was becoming too much for him, and I knew he didn’t like to be the center of attention anyway.

Sparing a quick glance in Zayn’s direction, I saw Louis gripping his arm tightly, and I could only imagine the glare he must be giving Zayn to tell him to keep calm. He looked over towards me, as did the guy who had spoke, and I instinctively put a hand on Liam’s back, glaring at the both of them.

“Liam’s not my friend,” Zayn said calmly, as he shrugged a little, and I sighed, turning my attention back to Liam.

He had worked so hard to form their friendship, and now it had all crumbled down in front of him. I couldn’t imagine how bad he was feeling at the moment. He probably thought it was his fault for saying something to him in the first place.

I zoned everyone out for the rest of the lesson, just focussing on Harry and Liam. As the teacher came in, Liam let out a sigh and reluctantly lifted his head from the table, trying to concentrate on the lesson.

Afterwards, it was time for lunch, and Liam, Harry and I took our place under the tree in the field, with our coats wrapped tightly around our bodies. It was cold, but warm enough for the frost to have melted by this time. There were only a few other people outside, hanging around in groups nearer the school, but Liam had suggested we eat out here a few days ago, so there was less chance of seeing Zayn, and neither of us wanted to argue with that.

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