35. Be Free

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Liam POV

“It’s completely unfair what she’s doing to him,” Harry complained, sitting on my bed, flipping his phone absentmindedly around in his hand. “I mean, Louis said it would pass eventually, but it’s stupid…” he trailed off as his phone buzzed, and he looked down at it, his gaze softening. “He’s not allowed to see anyone, and she’s confiscated all his electronics,” he sighed.

Niall scoffed gently, rolling his eyes. “Really? Well then who’s texting you?” he asked, a knowing look on his features.

Harry pouted, looking down at his lap, obviously not having an answer for that. “Well…” he looked up at Niall with a glare. “I gave him my old phone, ok? But that’s not the point,” he huffed. “She can’t stop him being who he is.”

I smiled a little, laying a hand on Harry’s thigh. “Is that what you’re worried about? That she’ll change him and make him think it’s bad to love you?” he asked.

Harry frowned at me for a moment, then bit his lip, relaxing a little and shrugging.

I shook my head. “Louis’ stubborn; he’ll stand up for himself,” I reassured. “I promise you, he wouldn’t stop loving you. He knows what she’s doing is wrong. He’s not going to fall for her tricks,” I said softly, smiling at him.

Harry sighed. “I hope you’re right,” he mumbled.

Niall chuckled a little. “Look mate, you’re worrying about nothing. And it’s only a week. You can go without talking to him for a week, you’ve done it before. Plus, it’s not like you’re not going to get to see him or have little conversations in school,” he shrugged.

Harry sighed. “I think she knows we wouldn’t do anything at school, like, she’s stopping him from having his privacy with me.” He huffed, pouting at Niall. “And I know we can go without seeing each other, but I don’t want to. It’s like, since… that night, I just want to be with him, never apart, like we have this connection.”

Niall rolled his eyes, letting out a soft chuckle. “Harry, mate, you’re gay, not a girl. Pull yourself together man, it’s not the end of the world…”

Harry huffed, “I hate you,” he muttered, but a small smile soon formed on his face. “But fine… I guess I’ll survive,” he said with a dramatic sigh.

I shook my head, chuckling at him. “I really think you’ve been spending too much time with Louis,” I giggled, and Niall nodded. “We’d have had to stage an intervention sometime soon anyway,” I shrugged.

Harry pouted. “Glad to know I have such supportive friends,” he said sarcastically, shaking his head.

“Oh come on,” Niall sighed. “Everyone who knows you two would be able to see how you’re made for each other. I mean, even Zayn came around in the end, and that’s saying something. Something as insignificant as this isn’t going to stop you two from being together,” he shrugged.

I paused at the mention of Zayn’s name. “Why do you think he did what he did?” I asked softly. “I mean, something must have changed… I don’t understand it,” I mumbled absentmindedly.

Niall chuckled. “Oh god… I don’t think I can deal with both of you throwing your boyfriend issues on me,” he rolled his eyes, before sitting up straighter, facing me. “Ok, I can do this. One at a time… Liam, you were saying,” he looked at me expectantly after mentally preparing himself, seeming like he was ready to analyse anything I was about to say.

I rolled my eyes, sighing. “I was just saying how it’s weird… One day Zayn hates the thought of Harry with Louis, and the next, he’s planning their date and teasing them about having sex,” I shrugged.

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