Chapter 14

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Londyn's POV

I really hate school. It's so boring, people are fake, and the school day is way too long.

"Did you hear what some new girl did to Lucas?" Zoey asks

"No what happened?"

"She sat in his seat in class then refused to move when he asked nicely."

"What a bitch! Poor Lucas must've felt so frustrated. What's her name? Maybe if I talk to her and explain Lucas's condition she'll give his seat back."

"Yeah he was so upset he left class. You know he never skips cause it messes with his head when he steps out of routine. Her name is Haley Jones by the way."

"Perfect, point her out to me if we see her."

"I will."

The bell rang which meant it was time for gym

I went to the girls locker room to change into my gym uniform

"Heads up that's the girl." she pointed at a brunette

"It'll be weird to approach her now I'll talk to her in gym."

My gym teach was late again so we stood around talking. I took the opportunity to talk to her

"Hey! You're Haley right?"

"Yeah who's asking?" she looked me up and down

"I just wanted to explain something to you. My brother is the kid whose seat you took and I know it probably sounds like he's overreacting over a seat. But he has Autism which is why he sounds monotone and also the reason he was so anal about his seat. All of his teachers understand how important consistency is for Lucas so they assign seats to help him cope. Sameness is really important so changing up where he sits really messes with his head. He can't control it so if he was a dick I apologize on his behalf. All I'm asking is for you to give him back his seat."

"Look if it's so life shattering for him why don't you guys put him in a special school where he can fit in better."

"Wow, you're serious. For starters he's more than capable of attending this school. Yes he has a condition but he's way smarter than any of us and he's not a danger to anyone. He has just as much a right to be here as any other student."

"Well I don't care how retarded he is. If he can't behave properly in a normal school maybe your family should send him somewhere with other slow kids. I like my seat and I'm keeping it." I was honestly stunned but I did what any good sister would do I slammed her against the wall

"Listen here and listen well. If you ever call my brother that again I will send your ugly ass to the hospital. Be grateful only I heard you say that because my sister isn't as forgiving as I am. Watch yourself bitch because the next time I hear a complaint about you I'll fucking curb stomp you." I let go and stormed off

"I thought you were just gonna talk to her." Zoey said

"Yeah that was before she called LuLu the "R" slur."

"Oh but you gotta understand not many people are exposed to mentally disable people. It's just different and no one likes change."

"Don't call him that, it's outdated. She's been here a day it's not much change. I understand it's different but I've seen how much Lucas struggles at home which is why I spoke to her nicely."

"Lucas is almost 16 he's a big boy. You can't keep sheltering him. How is he ever gonna survive in life without you guys?"

"Lucas will never be without us and he's more than capable. Being organized will benefit him when he takes over the chain of restaurants we own. Zoey do your best to stay in your lane." I warned her

"I'm just saying, throwing tantrums isn't very mature."

"He doesn't throw tantrums. He has meltdowns and it hasn't happened in almost four years. Why are you being such a bitch about Lucas?"

"Because you guys coddle him. When Louise stop showing up to dinner he stopped eating. If a meal is a minute late he can't eat. He's so immature."

"That's a symptom of his autism. He learned to cope with change. Consistency makes him feel secure and safe stop being such a cunt!"

"He should stop sleeping around then he'll feel comfortable. Who knows what he has?"

"What the fuck does this have to do with anything? Are you still into him, is that why you're acting like this? He told you he wasn't interested in you. You're my best friend so he won't cross that boundary."

"I'm allowed to still like him." She rolled her eyes

"Well stop being a shitty person and move on. My brothers are off limits."

"You're such a selfish bitch. Think about my feelings instead of making all these stupid rules!"

"He's not into you!" I exclaimed

"Well you won't give me the chance. Help me out."

"No! Is this the only reason we're friends? So you can get closer to my brother?"

"No, but he was a bonus."

"Wow that's rich." I scoffed

"Look it's impossible to be more than just a hookup with Lucas. As your friend he actually talked to me."

"I'm done with this. When you decide you wanna be an actual friend come find me."

"You'll forgive me by the end of the day. I'm your only friend. You're so desperate and afraid of being alone you'll come crawling back. I know all your fears so stop being a baby and get over yourself. You can't do better"

"Fuck you!" I spat


I decided to eat in the library since I'd have no one to sit with. She's right I have no friends. They either hate me for a misunderstanding that occurred freshman year or they're all after one of my brothers. Unfortunately for them Liam wants to give up his virginity to someone who matters to him.

Girls hate Louise and assume I'm like her. Not that it's a bad thing I wish I didn't care what people think of me. I wish I could hang out with her but she likes being alone.

Liam is Mr. Popular and Lucas is too. They sit with the other jocks. After the incident I would sit with them but they're honestly assholes and they constantly talk shit about Louise. The boys don't let them but when they weren't around that's all they ever did.

"Oh Louise it's good to see you. Do you mind putting these books back for me?" the old library asked

"I'm Londyn her sister, but I'll be more than happy to help."

"Thank you dear I'm so old it takes me forever to put these away."

"No problem! So does my sister help you often?" I asked

"All the time. She's such a good kid. She keeps me company and even reads to the kids at the public library."

"Really she does that?" I was baffled

"Yes, she love those little buggers. She taught them to read, plays with them, and listens to all their stories. Let me tell you those kids can talk off anyone's ear but she's there every Thursday. Sometimes she brings her guitar or ukelele and plays them songs. They love singing with her. Then she helps me close up the library. Didn't you know?"

"No, she's pretty private. None of us know where she goes."

"That's too bad. She always talks about you and your brothers. She tells the kids stories of your antics as children and she always looks so happy. You are so lucky to have a sister as kind and loving as yours."

"Yeah we are."


A day in the life of Londyn

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Mwah 📚

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