Chapter 8

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Londyn's POV

We're eating breakfast when dad asks a question.

"So what do you 4 want for your birthday?"

"A Car!" Liam and I say at the same time

"What about you Luc?"

"New soccer gloves." he shrugged

"Luc ask for something you can't get any day of the year."

"We're rich and spoiled we can literally get anything all year morons."

"Lucas don't be mean." mom told him


"How about you Louise?"

"I wanna get my pilots license. So can you pay for the classes and all those expenses?"

"I don't know Val. That sounds scary." daddy answers skeptical

"I want a dog, a sugar glider, or a hedgehog then."

"No more pets it's enough we have Osorin."

"Then why ask what I want if you're just gonna say no?" she whined before leaving

"I'll drive the herd today. Lets go my happy little accidents." mom teased while grabbing her keys

"Okay but you have to drive slow or else we'll be early."

"We're not done with breakfast yet. Dad can drive us." I said and she walked over and kissed our foreheads before wishing us a good day at school

They left and dad ran his hand threw his hair

"You know how she gets dad don't take it personally." Liam said

"I know. Get your stuff so I can drive you to school." he told us

We got in the car and after a quiet ride he dropped us off at school

"It's annoying how she doesn't understand that her actions affect other people."

"She can't control it Liam." I reminded him

"But she isn't trying."

"Yes she is."

"When was the last time she took her meds?"

I thought about it and I couldn't remember

"Exactly cause she fucking flushes them! She doesn't want to get better!"

"That's not fair." I told him

"Yes it is! I take my meds everyday so do you but not our Louise."

"ADHD isn't that serious everyone has it Liam."

"Fuck you Londyn! Every bitch in high school is bipolar, you're not special either!" he slammed his locker and stormed off

I sighed and went to my class. It's crazy how he can judge her so hard but I do the same thing and he has a bitch fit. I know his adhd is serious but he needs to know those comments are hurtful especially to Louise.

I walked into class and saw Clark's desk covered in writing. I ignored it and sat in my seat.

"You're a bitch." he yelled and threw my books on the floor

"What the fuck is your deal?"

"You wrote on my desk!" he growled

"No I didn't! I wouldn't waste my time on you."

"Then who did?"

"How the Fuck should I know? We've never even talked why would I wanna bully you?" I yelled

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