Chapter 7

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Louise POV

The whole family is at grandma and grandpa's house which means it's really loud. It's not too bad since I'm hanging out with my favorite cousin on the roof.

"So Ro any girls?" I ask Roman uncle Xander's oldest son

"I have a new friend I sleep with from time to time but nothing serious." he says while lighting a cancer stick

"If they smell smoke on you you're done for." I warn him

"We're mafia kids it would be out of character if I didn't smoke."

"I guess." I shrugged

"So Val any boys?"

I couldn't help but smile at his question

"Do my eyes deceive me? Is my little Louise blushing?" he dramatically gasped

"Keep it down someone might hear."

"Who is he?"

"None of your business."

"Cmon you know all about my sexscapades." he pouted

"He's some senior who transferred here from France. For some reason he's into me and I don't  think I hate him so far."

"Awww I'm so happy for you!" he hugged me

"Back off I don't wanna catch whatever std you have." I joked

"It was an STI!"

"Don't care you still got the clap."

"It wasn't my fault!"

"Guys dinner is ready." Landon told us

"We're coming."

We climbed back in through the window and went downstairs to the kitchen

"How man times have I told you two to stay off the roof." grandpa scolded

"Fucking snitch." I glared at Landon

Like any younger brother Landon loves snitching on anything Roman does and since we're always together I get dragged into it

"Watch your mouth!" everyone yelled

I rolled my eyes and looked for a seat at the table

"Sit with me Val." I heard a small voice say

"Thanks for saving me a seat Rhys." I thanked my little cousin

He's adorable he takes after Dakota more than Wyatt. I always baby Rhys and I'm his favorite person. His childish innocence sees more than just a hopeless, angry person.

We started eating shortly after everyone sat down

"So are you two excited for your sweet 16?" Grandma asked

"Yeah I can't wait!" Londyn answered

"What about you Louise?"

"Well I'm not going so..."

"WHAT?!?! After all that hard work you aren't going."

"Yeah I have a competition that weekend so I won't be present at all."

"So that competition is more important than family?" grandma Kora asked

"That's not what I'm saying." I shook my head

"Actions speak louder than words."

"Can you not bitch about this! I got it! I'm fucking selfish!" I lost my temper

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

"No one I'm talking to no one!" I got up and made my way to the door

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