Chapter 55

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Lucien's POV

"What was it like after your brother's death?"

"I hated living with my parent. They were even worse. Something I didn't think was possible. I wasn't allowed to eat at all so I had to steal. They treated me like shit but now with twice the energy. I started misbehaving and stop trusting people. My behavior made it easy for people to believe I was just a bad seed."

"Often times children in abusive environments lash out. It's completely normal considering the circumstances." She reassured me

6 years earlier

I'm walking home from school since mother and father don't pick me up anymore and refuse to pay for me to board at school.

It's been almost 4 months since Quincy died

My stomach is growling like crazy and I feel like I'm gonna die

I'm passing through a street market and get a bad idea

I know stealing is wrong but I'm starving

I spot someone selling Cheddar Gougères. They look so warm and fresh. The owner bends down to grab something so I grab two, one for each hand and walk away nonchalantly

I make my way out without being caught and I feel relieved knowing I'll finally eat

"Hey gamin, nous t'avons vu voler là-bas"

Hey kid we saw you steal back there

"Gros problème, vas-tu dire"

Big deal, are you gonna tell

"Non, nous pensons que vous feriez mieux de nous aider"

No we think you'd have better use helping us out

"Aider comment"

Helping how

"Comment aimeriez-vous gagner de l'argent rapidement et facilement"

How would you like to make quick easy money

"Nous faisons partie d'un gang de la région et nous recrutons de nouveaux membres" the other guy whispered

We're part of a gang in the area and we're recruiting new members

"C'est une façon vraiment merdique de se diversifier parce que si je dis"

This is a really shitty way of branching out because what if I tell

"Nous allons vous botter le cul pour commencer"

We'll kick your ass for starters

"Quel cliché.  Qu'est-ce que je devrais faire pour toi"

How cliche. What is it I'd have to do for you

"Vous êtes jeune et vous vous fondez bien.  Vous vendez de la drogue et volez pour nous"

You're young and blend in well. You'd deal drugs and steal for us

"Combien ferais-je"

How much would I make

"dix pour-cents"

Ten percent

"C'est de la connerie si je vends pour 300 de drogue, je ne gagnerais que 30

That's bullshit if I sell 300 euros worth of drugs I'd only make 30 euros

"Une fois que nous saurons que vous pouvez livrer, ce sera plus

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