Chapter 29

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Lucas POV

Since Louise got suspended everyone's been talking about her. Nothing nice either since they're too scared to talk about her when she is here.

"Hey Lucas ready to turn in our written assignment or do you wanna add something?" Raaya asked

"No I put everything I wanted on it. Are you satisfied with the menu?" I asked since she designed it

"Yeah it came out better than I envisioned.  Do you like it?" she asked

"Yeah it's really colorful."

"Cool I'm gonna go turn it in." I nodded and enjoyed the view of her walking to the front

"Okay now we just hangout until this Saturday when we actually make everything."

"Finals week came quick."

"It really did but I'm ready for break. I'm visiting my family in Washington."

"The state or the capital?"

"The state. I love the nature it's so serene." she explained

"That sounds nice."

"It is! Anyways I've been meaning to ask you about Haley. I've noticed she's been picking on you. Do you want me to tell your sisters?"

"It's fine, Louise got suspended and I don't want Londyn getting into trouble."

"But she's being a real bitch."

"I thought you didn't curse?" I was surprised

"I do just not very often." she shrugged

"I can deal with Haley but thanks for caring."

"If I think she's going too far I'm gonna tell your sisters." she crossed her arms

"Not necessary but okay."

We spent the rest of class talking. Once the bell rang I made my way to history

I had to switch seats thanks to Haley. I tried getting there before her but she has class their the period before so I had no choice but to move.

"Hey I heard your psychotic sister got expelled." she yelled and I winced

I'm under sensitive to everything beside sound, balance, and sometimes light

"She's not psychotic and she didn't get expelled."

"I guess money is a cure all."

"It had nothing to do with our wealth. Those guys provoked her and she lost control. They got what they deserved."

"If she wasn't such a slut that wouldn't have happened."

"Stop talking about my sister you jealous bitch." I spat

"Fuck you whats there to be jealous of?"

"She prettier and more liked than you."

"Bullshit, barely anyone likes her."

"But no one likes you. Some is more than none."

"Fuck you retard!" she yelled and stomped back to her seat

I finished my work early and put my head down. I haven't been sleeping well since my fight with Louise.

The room was quiet since it was a period for us to study and roam around. I didn't feel like going to the roof so I stayed here. All the louder students left to the cafeteria. Even the teacher stepped out

Third Person POV

Lucas's peace and quiet was ruined by Haley who blew a blow horn in his ear. He desperately tried to cover his ears but it was a futile attempt. His ears were ringing and he felt nauseous

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