Chapter 30

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Lucas POV

"So Lukey who was your pretty friend?"

"Raaya, we have class together." I answered

"She made you smile." she cooed

"Shhhh stop talking about it. I smile at a lot of things."

"No you don't." Liam said

"She's on the cheer squad but she's still a genuinely nice person." Londyn said

"She must be smitten with you Lu because she doesn't touch guys since you know she's Muslim." Louise added

"Awww look at you Lucas! My little ladies man."

Mom and dad don't know the amount of girls I've been with

"You people are fucking embarrassing." I groaned

"Language!" Londyn yelled


"I didn't ask what language you were speaking. I was telling you to watch your mouth."

"I can't do that." I told her

"Stop cursing." Liam rolled his eyes


When we go home I went to the basement and locked myself in

I grabbed clay and water and started making a vase. It's a weird hobby I have and when I feel overwhelmed I do something artsy. Today I wanna make a vase so I'm gonna make a vase

I heard a knock on the door

"Lu it's me let me in."

"Go away Louise." I shouted

"I know how you get after meltdowns and I don't want you to feel alone."

"I'm don't feel alone. I'm fucking embarrassed. Everyone saw what happened and I look like a freak."

"Londyn said most people in your class had already left. There were at most 5 people who saw. They don't think you're a freak, they seemed concerned if you were okay." she reassured me

"I hate Haley! She's a stupid cunt! I wish she was a guy so I could kick her ass!"

"Don't worry I'm gonna deal with her."

"Don't Val you'll get in trouble. She's a councilman's daughter. I doubt she's even gonna get expelled."

"Even better so I can expose her to news station then beat her ass."

"I hate when you do that." I told her

"Do what?"

"This!" I yelled

"Defend you?"

"Get yourself in trouble. Ever since we were kids you'd always put yourself in danger for me. It's so scary watching you get hurt because of me. Just let her be I'm fine now."

"You're locked in the basement making a vase you're probably gonna smash. You're embarrassed and don't wanna go back to school. That's not fine Lucas. You didn't deserve any of this and I'm sorry that I can't sit by as someone bullies my brother."

"Please Louise just this once?" I begged her

"Fine but you'll have to convince Londyn as well cause she's already found her address and has a copy of her house key."

"What? Stop her!"

"You know as well as I do I can't do that." she told me through the door

"Ugh tell mom or dad!"

"You know my views on snitching."

"You snitched on Liam about selling his medicine and now he's not allowed to get his license with us. You can snitch one more time."

"It's not a good enough reason to snitch." she sighed

"Valkyrie please?"

"Shut up already I'm joking. I'll talk to her right now." I heard her walk away

Londyn's POV

"Hey Violent. Oops I mean Violet." I heard Louise joke


"I just talked to Lucas and he doesn't want us going through with your revenge scheme."

"She's a fucking bully who messed with the wrong ones." I spat while putting my silencer on my pistol

"Dad will murder you if he knew you were taking your gun to break and enter. She's the mayors kid."

"Don't care." I shrugged

"She's obviously not getting expelled what if she gave her a piece of her medicine?"

"How?" I raised my brow

"Let's bully the shit out of her. You got the key to her house in a few hours so get her locker combination. Everyone is already mad at her because Lucas is popular. It'll be really easy to get the school in on getting rid of her." she explained

"I like that idea. I'll tell the guys on the team and have them spread it around." Liam chimed in

"Perfect." Louise grinned

"Bullying! Seriously Louise! Do you even fucking listen?" Lucas stormed off

"Lu-" she called out

"So what now?"

"This doesn't change the plan. I just have to make sure he doesn't tell dad." she ran off

Next week

We've put her through a week of hell. She's a social outcast in school and out of it. The story about her bullying Lucas has been all over newspapers and magazines. The internet hates her and she's lost all chances of going to a good college. We ruined her.

Lucas is mad about the situation because he doesn't want us getting into trouble. I don't care because I'd go to prison for any of my siblings.

Jared and I got into it too because he says I'm being cruel and heartless. He says I'll bully her to suicide and the fact that I don't care is disgusting. It hurt a lot but I don't wanna tell my siblings cause they'll lose their temper

I'm currently sitting in the library while my fellow girl quad helps the cute old librarian. I just got a text from Jared saying he wants to meet after school to talk about our argument.

I tell him no cause I didn't appreciate the way he spoke to me. Maybe I'm overreacting but he was not as calm as he usually is. He was literally yelling at me and saying really the meanest things.

My phone was blowing up from him calling and texting me

"Hey! You good?" Louise asked

"Yeah, Jared just wants to hang but you know dad would say no." I lied

"Just lie and say you're volunteering with me at the library. I'll cover for you."

"Well I wouldn't be there for dad to pick us up."

"He never picks me up. Lucy is gonna drive me home cause he hates me out alone late. Just say Jared picked you up." she told me

I was hoping she'd get I didn't wanna meet with him but I didn't want her thinking I was sensitive

"Perfect! Thanks quadrant."

"Ew don't call me that!" she laughed

Lucien really made her so much livelier

I wish Jared made me as happy


What's gonna happen after school

Favorite moment from this chapter?


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🏺

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