Chapter 6

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Louise's POV

"Louise wake up." I hear Gramps whisper

"No fuck off." I groan

"Cmon Louise we're home don't you wanna sleep in your bed?" Lucas asked


I hug Gramps and Uncle Niko then go up to my room. What I see when I arrive makes me confused.

"Hey Jared what are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you wanted to surf but you weren't home so I came up to chill with Londyn."

"Does my dad know you're up here?"

"No, he wasn't home when I got here." He shook his head

"I'll lock the door then." I say


"Londyn I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I lost my temper and I didn't realize how much the party really meant to you. The boys told me you just wanted it to spend time with me and I feel bad that I'm bailing. But we can go back to doing sisterly things. When I get back we can hang out a lot more. But only if you want to."

"I want to. Sorry for punching you in the nose and saying all those mean things. You aren't selfish and even though it sucks that you won't be here to celebrate our birthday. I know you'll be happy. We can celebrate when you come back."

"So you forgive me?"

"Nope, but I will on two conditions."


"This guy yesterday asked for your number. He's new to the school and French. He gave me his Snap and IG for you. My first condition is to give him a chance. He knows your reputation and temper and still has the courage to pursue you which is a massive green flag."

"Absolutely not! Why didn't you tell him I'm not nice and hate people? Choose something else!" I demanded

"I did and he still wanted your number so take it or leave it."

"Give me his IG then I'll decide."

"Here I wrote it down since my phone broke."

She gave me his info and boy was he attractive

"Sure, but I'm not gonna be super nice at first because I enjoy a good chase."

"Yay and my second condition is that you're gonna party with us at least once a month."

I sent her a look and she rephrased her request

"Or when mom and dad aren't home we can drink or get high here."


"Good now I'm going to sleep if you plan on doing the nasties do it quietly."

"Shut up!" they both told me at the same time


When I woke up it was around 8 and Jared was gone

"So you and Jared?" I asked Londyn

"We hit it off at the party on Friday. He's really cute, funny, and down to earth."

"Does someone have a crush?" I teased and she blushed

"Aw look at you cheesing!" I laughed

"We have a date this Friday."

"How are you gonna get out of the house long enough?"

"It's Friday night he'll be busy with poker."

"Yeah and if he's not he'll notice you all dressed up."

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