Chapter 37

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Louise's POV

It's been a week of Lucy dodging all my texts and calls. He hasn't even been to school. I'm honestly really worried about him but I'm still not allowed to go over to him. So I decided to ask Jonah

"Do you know what's up with Lucy he hasn't been answering my many attempts to get ahold of him."

"I don't know. Looks like we're in the same boat. It's safe to assume it has something to do with his parents. You should go see him in person maybe you'd be able to cheer him up."

"I wish I could but I'm grounded. I also can't just show up at his place."

"Who cares just tell your dad you're out surfing and go to Lucien instead."


It's a bad idea because of the 5 chips inside my body but if he's in need I can't keep stalling

After school

I told my dad I was going to Lia but instead had Jonah drives me to Maddox's house

"Louise what brings you over?" Raphael answers the door

"Uhm Lucien hasn't been to school and he's been dodging me and Jonah. I brought him his school work and I just wanted to make sure he was still alive."

"He's still breathing. I'll give him his homework and tell him you came."

"Is he okay?" I ask

"No but he'll just end up hurting your feelings if you go up. He's not in the best mood."

"Is he eating cause I remember him telling me how hard it is for him to maintain or gain weight. I wouldn't want him ruining his chances at going pro."

"No but since you aren't leaving anytime soon you can try taking his food up. None of us have had any luck." he motions for me to come inside

"He hasn't eaten? Since when?" I asked


"It's Thursday!"

"We're assuming he's eating at night when we aren't down here."


He gave me a plate of food and I made my way upstairs

I knocked and no answer

"Hey Lucy I brought you some food that smells really good. A growing boy like you needs to eat. If you don't come out and take it, I might help myself to it." I spoke through the door

I waited for a bit and my shoulder sunk down in disappointment

"Look I don't know what you're going through and I'm not going to pretend I do. I guess I just want you to know that no matter what, I'll always be here to pull you out of the water. So don't drown on me."

The door open and he stood in all his glory. I forgot how much taller he is than me

"Go home Louise." his voice was huskier and deeper than usual

"After you eat! I'll go if you promise not to starve yourself. It's unhealthy."

"That's rich coming from you." he retorted

"Just eat please?" I ignore his comment

He grabbed the plate and put it on his desk

"So wanna talk about it?" I twiddled with my fingers

"Not at all. In fact I don't want you here. It's the reason I blocked you."

Ouch, that definitely stung a lot

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