Chapter 4

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Londyn's POV

The party is in full swing. I'm dancing with Zoey and some other girls on the team

As soon as we got here Liam ran off to get wasted in the kitchen and Lucas went to find a make out buddy

It's funny our parents think Liam is the man whore because he talks about girls all the time but they'd never expect their other son would be the fuck boy.

"Let's get high." Zoe yelled

"I don't know if we should trust the brownies in the kitchen." I shook my head

"Whatever you big baby!"

I hate when she does that

We went to the kitchen and she ate one and so did the girls

"Cmon Londyn just take one!"

"No Zoey."

"Why did you even come if you weren't gonna have fun?" She snapped

"I don't need that to have fun! Stop pressuring me." I yelled over the loud music

"I don't even know why I waste my time." she said and walked away

"You're so boring." the girls followed behind her

"This is great." I said to myself and went outside and sat with my feet in the pool

"You don't need friends like them."

I looked up and saw one of the guys from Louise's surf team

"Jared right?"

"That's me." He nodded

"You don't go to our school."

"Yeah but this is my house so I think I'm allowed to be here."

"Oh sorry."

"You're fine but it was smart of you not to scarf down those brownies."

"I know I just wish they weren't so annoying. If I was my sister they wouldn't talk to me like that."

"That's for sure." he laughed and it was deep and his smile was cute

"You're staring." he smirked

"No I wasn't." I denied

"Sure and you aren't blushing either." he teased

"Shut up!" I pushed him and he fell in the pool

"That wasn't very nice." he said resurfacing and pushing his hair out of his eyes

"Boohoo" I teased

He smirked and pulled me into the water

"You dick my phone was in my pocket!"

"So was mine now we're even."

"Cannon ball!" someone yelled and jumped into the pool

We laughed as more people started stripping

"Now it's a pool party." he chuckled

"Let's get out before they start getting completely naked."

He got out then pulled me out like I weighed nothing. He was really strong.

"Come I'll grab you a towel."

He grabbed my hand and I followed him upstairs to his room.

I know what you're thinking

Don't follow a stranger to his room!

But I'm a fucking Knight it'll be his funeral if he tries something

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