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"Prim you need to calm the fuck down!" Steve laughed.

"It's been two days. I'm boring, am I boring?" As I continue to pace the floor Steve groans.

"He must have a life, Prim. It's not centered around texting you." I stop pacing and watch him roll his eyes.

"Why the hell not?" Now I understand that I may sound a little crazy-because I am- but it's a little scary when your boyfriend goes off the grid for two days.

"Stop being a hypocrite, you haven't texted him either." Again, I stop pacing. He's got a point... No, I will not let him be right.

"That's not my job, it's his job as the boyfriend to text me first. It's like an unwritten rule of dating."

An unwritten rule I just made up.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes, stands up and leaves the room.


"Texted him yet?" Steve asks when I make my way into the kitchen for some left over pizza.

"No... but I texted Zayn. I didn't want Niall to think I'm desperate, so I asked Zayn- who hasn't answered me..." I take a bite out of the cold pizza and huff, this shouldn't be so difficult.

"Text him!" Steve groans. "It's obvious something is happening, so just grow a pair and ask him!"

"But that would totally defeat the purpose of me texting Zayn. What if Zayn tells Niall I texted him? Then Niall will think I'm clingy, and I am not clingy!" I give him a look to tell him not to disagree.

"Fine, be crazy." Steve huffs, putting his hands in the air as if he was surrendering.

"Oh, I will be." I assure him with a smirk.

A few minutes later my phone beeps on the counter, telling me I have a text.

Sorry love, he's just a bit busy.

"What?!" I find myself screaming.

"What happened?! Did Katy Perry get a new haircut?!" Steve runs into the kitchen screaming.

"No, he's busy. I asked Zayn what was going on and he said Niall was busy." It's safe to say I am beyond pissed.

"Harsh." Steve lets out a whistle.

"You know what? It's fine. I'm fine. Everything is really freaking fine right now."

"Oh shit. I need to call Anna we are in a mental breakdown." Steve yells, searching for his phone.

"It's been what, a week? I'm not mad. I'm not clingy. I'm not hurt because he doesn't want to talk to me. I'm not pretending to be fine just to keep myself sane. I'm fine." And with that I sink down to the floor and start to sob.


Zayn's POV.

"Zayn what's wrong mate?" Liam asks, slinging his arm over my shoulders.

"Prim just texted me. She wants to know what's going on with Niall." I sigh.


"I don't know what to tell her. Niall likes her so much and he's already pretty much ruined it." I run my hand through my hair and groan in frustration.

"I think he's just being selfish." Liam admits.


"He's keeping a huge secret from her in hopes she won't find out. It's inevitable. I mean, she obviously doesn't know who we are-how, I have no idea- but she doesn't. He should just tell her, it's not like she'll act any different with him." Liam's expansion makes perfect sense. He is being selfish.

All of this would be solved is he just would tell her. She's hurting because she thinks it's her fault, and he's guilty because she doesn't know.

But then I start thinking, what is he so afraid of?

"We need to talk to him." I decide.

"Text Prim first." And I do.

To: Prim
Sorry love, he's just a bit busy.

She's going to be pissed, but it's all I can offer her right now.

"Niall, Prim texted me." When the words left my mouth a look of sadness and jealousy covered his face.

"Why'd she text you?" He asks calmly.

"Because you won't." I suddenly feel angry at him. He doesn't have the right to be jealous right now when he wont even text his own girlfriend.

"We have all been busy." He seethes.

"And somehow I found time." I sarcastically reply.

"Don't. It's my relationship."

I snort, "if you can even call it that."

"Is that all you wanted? To rub it in my face that my girlfriend texts you?" He yells.

"At least someone texts her." I spat.

"I text her!"

"Hey, stop fighting! You're best friends, act like it." Liam scolds, walking into the hallway where we are currently screaming in.

"He's getting into my relationship, tell him to get out!" Niall whines like the five year old he is.

"I am not! I'm telling you to get your shit together or else you won't be in a relationship." I spat, stalking past him angrily.


When this gets to 1k I might post a new book:0

I really hate this chapter OKAY

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