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"He still hasn't called me." I mumble to my roommate, while chewing on my nails.

"Prim calm down." He rolls his eyes.

"I can't! Stevvvveeee, make me un-sad." I pout.

"No, you can't get plastered at 4:00 in the afternoon." He sternly chastises.

"Late afternoon." I correct him, making him roll his eyes at me.

Minutes pass and there is a knock at the door which I quickly run to get, tripping over my shoes and crashing face first onto the floor. I quickly get up, brushing myself off then opening the door.

Harry and Liam are standing on the other side, suppressing me.

"You thought we were Niall. We could tell by the loud crash." Liam laughs.

"I did not! I thought it was the pizza guy..." I lie awfully.

"Sureee," Steve yells from inside.

"Shut up!" I yell back, then turning back to the smirking lads in front of me.

"We have to kidnap you." Harry beams.

"What the fuck?! No!" I scream, getting freaked out.

"Relax, its for Niall." He smirks.

"I'm mad at Niall." I inform them blankly.

"Why?" They both ask.

"Well... How do I say this?" I ponder over my answer for a minute, "he's a dick." I finally settle on my answer.

"Because of last time you were over? What happened, he won't tell us." Liam pouted.

"Probably because he knew how dick-like he was." I scoffed.

"Tell us!" Harry begged.

"He kissed me like all, you know, perfect, then he was all...cold." I admit to the two boys.

"Dick." Harry murmurs.

"That's why he's all sad." Liam smiled because he finally figured it out.

"And I saw him grinding on this random chick in a club." I add, shrugging.

"Oh..." they look at each other.

"Dick." Liam mutters.

"So I guess you don't want to help us make him happy again?" Harry asks, still hopeful.

"Honestly, he has no reason to be sad. So no." I reply cooly.

"Maybe he feels bad. I mean he is Niall." Harry tries to convince me but I'm not having it.

"No! He's the one who fucked it up so I'm not giving him any sympathy." I say sternly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"But Zayn and Louis are at the house telling him we have an amazing surprise... that was supposed to be you." Liam pouted, giving me those puppy eyes that could make anyone cave in an instant.

"F-no! No! I know what you're doing, you're evil. Those fucking adorable eyes will not make me crack! Not today!" I yell triumphantly, getting ready to shut the door but stop myself. "Don't... tell him I'm mad."

"Why?!" They both yell in confusion.

"Because we aren't dating and I don't want to seem like one of those crazy clingy girls, because I'm not... okay?" I whine.

"Fine. But you owe us!" Harry warns.

"Deal." I nod.

"Great, lets go!" He grins, pulling me out of my warm apartment.


"You owe us." He reminds me.

"I don't have shoes on."

"Liam, pick her up, we're on a schedule!" Harry orders, speed walking out of my building and to their car. Liam does as hes told, despite my orders for him to put me down.

"This isn't fair! I don't want to see Niall!" I protest. "I'll cry, I'm not afraid to start crying." I warn.

"Prim, calm down." Liam chuckles.

"Fine, but next time I'm at your house I swear to god I'll put tampons you out pillows."

"Ew!" The boys scream, Liam puts me down and I smirk up at them (they are way taller than me)

Damn I'm short!

"I-we. Fuck, this is for Niall. It's for Niall. C'mon Li, for Niall." Harry rambles. "Niall better be really fucking happy after this." He mumbles while dragging me rest of the way to their car.

"No, no,no,no,no,no!" I scream.

"Shh, they'll come." Liam quiets me.

"Whose 'they'?" I ask.

"Um... you know, people." And then we are off on our way to Niall's.




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