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"Is Zayn here?" I ask Louis.

"Yeah. He's in his room." He smiles, moving over so I can come in.

"Thanks Louis!" I smile back then run past him.

I go up the stairs where all their bedrooms are, its been so long since it been up here...

I see Niall's door, closed. I shake my head, knocking on the door across the hall- Zayn's door.

"Come in." I hear him faintly from the other side of the door.

I open the door slowly, his room is dark and there's clothes everywhere. However it smells amazing... he's weird.

"Zayn what's wrong?" I ask, trying to find him through the darkness.

"Perrie and I broke up." I hear from under a lump on his bed. I walk over to the lump, then take off all the clothes and blankets on top of him.


"Last night." He sniffs.

"Zayn." I whisper in a sad voice. "I'm so sorry. What happened?"

"She said she was too busy for a relationship." He sniffs again.

Is he crying?

My heart breaks.

"It's okay, I'll help you through this. I know how hard it is braking up with people. But I also know how to fix it." I smile softly.

He sits up. "Really?"

"Yes. I'll get the boys to help too." I smile.

"Niall and I got in a bit of a fight... so can we not invite him?"

"Of course. I think it'd be better that way considering... you know." I explain, thinking back on the past two weeks.

"Yeah." He sighs. "Well I'm ready to stop feeling like shit now let's go."

"Zayn, maybe shower first?" I suggest. His room might smell amazing but he certainly doesn't.

"Right. Be right back, the boys are downstairs." He says and walks out with fresh clothes.

"Hey Harry." I smile, sitting next to him.

"Hi Prim. So I was thinking... about what you said about me becoming a comedian and how you could hook me up..."

"So the singing thing isn't working out?" I raise an eyebrow and laugh.

"Well I was watching Hannah Montana- there was nothing else on, and she lived a double life so I think I can too." He explains.

"Is he talking about Hannah Montana again?" Liam asks while opening the fridge.

"It could work!" Harry protested with a pout.

"Sure Harry, sure." Liam rolls his eyes and sips his water.

"I believe in you Harry. But I think you should wait a little longer. Your time will come though." I promise, trying to keep a straight face.

"See Liam? Prim believes in me. Thank you, Prim." Then he hugs me tightly.

"Okay guys we gotta go because Zayn needs to be happy again. Suit up!" I order, flailing my arm around above my head.

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