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It's been a week since I gave him my number. No text. No call. Nothing.

I shouldn't care, really. But I do.

I care because he seemed nice and he seemed like the type of guy who would really text me.

But then again my last boyfriend ended up in jail... I'm not known for my skills in picking out men.

But I thought Niall would be different for some unknown reason.

I could kinda just see it in his eyes that he was caring and sweet and-

"Prim, prim. Earth to Prim." Steve laughs, snapping his fingers I'm front of my face.

"Hm?" I shake out of my thoughts.

"I said that we have today off, its some holiday that Raymond celebrates only in Italy." Steve smiles. Our Italian boss is known for taking off to Italy for random things then shutting down the restaurant for a couple of days.

"Great, I needed a day off." I sigh with a smile.

"Prim, what's wrong? You've been pouty all week. Please tell me it has nothing to do with that blond." Steve groans.

"He seemed so nice." I whisper.

"Babe, he's got no clue what he is missing out on." Steve sasses then looks me up and down.

I'm wearing one of his shirts that I stole, it's at least 5 sizes too big, and baggy sweat pants. My hair is sitting on the top of my head in a messy bun and I have zero makeup on.

We both start bursting out into fits of laughter.

"I just, he seemed so nice." I repeat with a sigh after a few minutes of laughing.

"You didn't even know him. He could be- and probably is- I huge dick!"

"You didn't talk to him." I defend sarcastically.

"I didn't need to. I could see his ass holy-ness all the way from table nine." He promises.

"Yeah, okay." I giggle, rolling my eyes and sticking my tung out at him.

"It's true. I never liked him, you know."

"Again, you've never met him. And that's not what you said last week!" I roll my eyes, again.

"I think-" He's cut off my my phone going off, and me literally jumping over him.

I end up diving onto the floor where my phone is lying next to the couch.

"Hello?" I pant into the phone after answering.

"Hey, Primrose. It's Niall." The familiar Irish accent greets through the receiver.

"Niall, hi. I mean what's up. No, I mean... okay you talk." I rush out, trying -and failing- not to sound like I just ran across my apartment to answer my phone.

He laughs at my awkwardness, "Nothing really. Sorry I didn't call sooner I was... busy." He seems like he is trying to choose his words carefully.

"Oh, no it's cool. Umm, I was busy too, actually." I lie. I don't want him to think I'm a boring girl who throws popcorn at her roommate for fun. Or should I say find out...

"Oh, you're busy? I'm sorry I'll call ba-"

"I'm not busy!" I cut him off much too quickly.

"Okay good, I didn't want to, like, disturb you." He chuckles. His chuckle is cuter than puppies with hats on, I swear.

"No, no you're fine." I bite my lip in an attempt to keep the huge smile off my face, it doesn't work though.

"So, back to the reason I am calling. I would like to know if you'd like to go out... with me. You know, for food." He asks awkwardly, like he's really nervous.

"I would love to." I beam.

Steve is now in front of me dancing around in circles. Idiot.

"Great! When are you free? Tomorrow? Great I'll pick you up at 7." He rushes before hanging up.

"Disney night is off." I tell Steve after hanging up.

"Not Disney night!" He whines and stops dancing.

Like many things, Steve and I share a love for Disney movies. In fact, we love them so much we have made every Saturday night Disney night. It's a night when we build a fort and watch all the Disney movies on our cheap T.V., Because we are mature adults.

"Sorry, I gotta date." I try to look disappointed but it voice comes out as a high pitched squeal.

"You've gotta date!" Steve yells, then continues to dance.

Soon we end up having a full on dance party, the only time we stopped dancing was to drink our cheap wine.

I'm so excited to post more of this book like YAY!!

Tell me if you like it...? YAY THANKs!

Happy late Halloween and happy 1st of November and thank you for reading my book and sorry I never have anything important to write in these lol:)


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