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When I woke up my head was resting on something hard and I was trapped between a heavy arm and leg draped over my body.

I tried to moved but that task seemed to be impossible because with every move I made Niall's grip would tighten. So I stayed still and listened to his heart beat until I finally couldn't lay down any longer.

I tried to move again but got the same response.

"Stop moving." Niall's raspy voice commanded.

"I have to get up." I whined.

"You're leaving?" He pouted, his eyes still closed.

"No I'm not leaving, I'm moving." I laughed.

"Moving?!" His eyes burst open and he sat up straight.

"Not my house, you idiot!" I giggled, playfully hitting him upside the head. "I'm getting up."

"Hey, I just woke up." He defended, rubbing his head where I hit him.

"Niall, I'm bored." I whine.

"I'm sleepy." He whines along.

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

Pouting, I cross my arms over my chest.

"Fine. 20 questions." He decides, criss-crossing his legs and facing me.

"Are we twelve?" I ask him while raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. I'll go first. Why do you hate your name?" He asks.

"Because it's a flower. I mean, there's so many original names out there and my parents chose a flower? Really, it's just awful." I explain, grimacing.

"What's your middle name?"
"James. Yours?"

"Kendra." I grimace. My parents weren't the best with names in my opinion.

"Kendra isn't that bad." He chuckles.

"It isn't a good one!" I defend, pursing myself lips.

"Primrose Kendra... Last name?"

"I think it's my turn." I laugh, raising an eyebrow.

"You can go twice." He reasons.

"Fine. My last name is Grey. Yours?" I ask.

"Horan." He winks, I roll my eyes in response.

"Okay, why'd you ask me out, seriously." I ask, remembering what he said on our first date.

"Because you seemed different. And I wasn't kidding when I said you were hot, but now that I think about it, beautiful is a better word." He explains, making me blush.

"T-thank you. It's your turn." I stutter, trying to cover my face so he won't see the redness of my cheeks.

"Damn you're cute when you blush." He sucks in a sharp breath. "Okay, next question. What would you do if I kissed you right now?"

"Wha- me? N-now?" I stutter.

He chuckles and before I can even figure out what's happening I feel his soft lips on mine.

It doesn't take me long to get my shit together and kiss him back. Spanks flew and butterflies went crazy in my stomach. It was pure heaven. I mean 10/10, full bliss, best-kiss-ever!

His lips where so soft and the kiss was so gentle and perfect.

When we finally separated due to the lack of air. My lips felt tingly, making me smile.

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